Paul Sutton


Safer Internet Day 2025

This year, Safer Internet Day 2025 takes place on the 11th February 2025

The theme for this year is ‘Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online‘



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Safer Internet Day


Today is Safer Internet Day also known as SID. This year marks 20 years since the campaign started.

There are lots of resources on the website, and schools should be running sessions so as your teachers for details.

There are lots of things we can do which still make using the internet enjoyable and educational, but a safer experience. Not sharing personal information, being mindful as to who we are communicating with, to perhaps changing our social media to platforms that are more privacy friendly, seeking accurate information, see Sense about science for details and have a look at their 'ask for evidence' information. This is also a good way to avoid misinformation by fact checking what we read or see online by developing the skills to do so.

This article may also be useful too When critical thinking isn’t enough: to beat information overload, we need to learn ‘critical ignoring’

Simple changes could also include switching from google to duckduckgo for search, installing privacy essentials will also block sites such as facebook from tracking you. I don't notice this as much as I have simply blocked facebook and meta.

I also block cookies as much as possible, these are not needed esp any integration with serve no real purpose other than to spy on you.


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Solid Project

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Solid (Social Linked Data) is a project by Sir Tim Berners-Lee. It aims to put data back in to the hands of end users, so they are in more control.



#YearOfTheFediverse,#SolidProject,#Freedom,#Privacy, #Web,#Internet,WikiPedia,#Decentralised.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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Accessible Design for Users With Disabilities


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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Data Detox

This is a really useful website, with tools and advice on how to stay safe.

Everyday steps you can take to control your digital privacy, security, and wellbeing in ways that feel right to you.


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De google your internet.

Ok. firstly Merry Christmas, Todays post does seem rather apt given that people will be getting new devices today. However it is not the intention.

I found this on Mastodon, a nice set of links to privacy friendly alternatives to many common, mainstream internet services, such as cloud, search, social media.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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Duck Duck Go Search

Duck Duck Go is a privacy friendly and aware search engine that does not track you or your activities online. displays:


Enter your search terms in the box and you can either click the go button or select one of the suggestions.


Search results page


Website we were looking for


Clicking back to the search results we can click in the corner (as shown) and add duck duck go to our browser and make it the default search engine (recommended).


The video below shows searching, themes and how to add the extension to google chromem, plus how to make ddg the default search engine.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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APG password generator

Debian comes with a useful command line utility called apg for generating passwords, based on criteria set when it is run.

You may need to install with apt install apg

Running just apg produces

yissheav-Flas6 (yis-sheav-HYPHEN-Flas-SIX)
rek_OfDot6ly (rek-UNDERSCORE-Of-Dot-SIX-ly)
yorthIs0Ot; (yorth-Is-ZERO-Ot-SEMICOLON)
NapOl{aj6 (Nap-Ol-LEFT_BRACE-aj-SIX)
9Knyhik. (NINE-Kny-hik-PERIOD)

Where as using -m 16 produces a min length of 16 characters

apg -m 16


As a good password should be made up of Letters (upper and lower case) Numbers (0-9) Other characters ( !“£$()%^&* )

Then you need to run something like

apg -M sncl -m 16 -n 5

apg  -M sncl -m 16 -n 5 

The program man page also gives more info and an example shell script to help with the process.

man apg

shell script

       /usr/local/bin/apg -m 8 -x 12 -s
       [ end ]---->

#linux,#debian,#shell,#password,#generation,#security,#help,#scripts,#secure,#unix,#gpl,#fsf,#freesoftware,#manpage, #manual,#web,#internet,#links,#letters,#numbers, #alphanumeric,#specialcharacters

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Safer Internet Day 2020

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#internet, #safety, #sid, #SaferInternetDay #day, #promotion, #February, #Tuesday

You can find me on Friendica at

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Cyberbullying – e-safety resources

On Tuesday 21st January, I attended a seminar on Cyberbullying. I am now sharing some of the resources / information from this video.

Childnet have produced some excellent resources on e-safety. This includes an excellent video titled 'gone too far'.

The video has a BBFC classification of PG

Childnet also have a blog post on what to do to respond to this here

We need people to have these discussions.

Childnet also have a document on the Laws relating to online activity. I have put this on my github download, but it will be on the childnet website


Schools and anyone working with Children / Young people also have a Statutory duty of care to promote and safeguard the welfare of children and young people so tell a trusted adult at the school, Could be a teacher, Teaching assistant, mealtime assistant or other adult.

#childnet, #bullying, #cyberbullying, #safety, #internet, #technology, #consequences.

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Licenced under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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