Cyberbullying – e-safety resources

On Tuesday 21st January, I attended a seminar on Cyberbullying. I am now sharing some of the resources / information from this video.

Childnet have produced some excellent resources on e-safety. This includes an excellent video titled 'gone too far'.

The video has a BBFC classification of PG

Childnet also have a blog post on what to do to respond to this here

We need people to have these discussions.

Childnet also have a document on the Laws relating to online activity. I have put this on my github download, but it will be on the childnet website


Schools and anyone working with Children / Young people also have a Statutory duty of care to promote and safeguard the welfare of children and young people so tell a trusted adult at the school, Could be a teacher, Teaching assistant, mealtime assistant or other adult.

#childnet, #bullying, #cyberbullying, #safety, #internet, #technology, #consequences.

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