Paul Sutton


Free E-books and e-learning

As I am on the mailing list for Free Code Camp [1]. I was recently emailed with an offer to obtain some Free programming E-books on a range of programming / coding languages, detailed below.

  • The Python Handbook. 115 pages. Spring 2021. PDF, ePub, Mobi
  • The Linux Commands Handbook. 135 pages. Fall 2020. PDF, ePub, Mobi
  • The Deno Beginner’s Handbook. 46 pages. Spring 2020. PDF, ePub, Mobi
  • The JavaScript Beginner’s Handbook. 76 pages. Early 2020. PDF, ePub, Mobi
  • The C Beginner’s Handbook. 77 pages. Early 2020. PDF, ePub, Mobi
  • The Next.js Handbook. 102 pages. Fall 2019. PDF, ePub, Mobi
  • The Svelte Handbook. 41 pages. Fall 2019. PDF, ePub, Mobi
  • The HTML Handbook 87 pages. Summer 2019. PDF, ePub, Mobi
  • The CSS Handbook 173 pages. Spring 2019. PDF, ePub, Mobi
  • JavaScript from ES5 to ESNext. 75 pages. Early 2019. PDF, ePub, Mobi
  • The React Beginner’s Handbook. 40 pages. Fall 2020. PDF, ePub, Mobi
  • The Node.js Handbook. 189 pages. Fall 2018. PDF, ePub, Mobi
  • The Express.js Handbook. 61 pages. Fall 2018. PDF, ePub, Mobi
  • The Vue.js 2 Handbook 122 pages. Summer 2018. PDF, ePub, Mobi



#Coding,#FreeCodeCamp,#Ebooks,#Python,#Linux,#Deno, #JavaScript,#JS,#C,#NextJS,#Svelte,#HTMl,#CSS,#React,#NodeJS,#ExpressJS,#VueJS

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Code Club 4/10/2021

I am back at Code Club today, 2nd session since our return. If you are still not sure what Code Club is, then you have clearly being living in a cave since about 2012. Anyway, it is a coding club for children, generally 9-13 years of age.

The Paignton Club is a little more advanced, in that some of the attendees are working through a responsive web design course.

It would be really good to get MORE code clubs in Torbay, and in fact would be really nice if those clubs could collaborate, share expertise, maybe some resources.




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Website on pi

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I spent some time on last night, setting up a mini web server on m Raspberry pi.

So running a http server on a Raspberry Pi.

For this project I am just using the python3-test-server package,

  1. Install python3-test-server
  2. Create a directory to hold some html files
  3. Change to this directory
  4. Create a very basic html file e.g index.html
  5. run python3 -m http.server:7800 where 7800 is the port you want to use

web server on pi

In the browser go to ip:7800

Website on pi

What I have done here, however is

  • Run the server on the pi,
  • Connected via ssh to create the site files and run the server
  • Edited the basic website on the pi via ssh, by running a text editor
  • To copy other files directly from my main PC to the Pi i used

    • scp file.jpg pi@ip:path e.g
      • scp file.jpg pi@ip:/home/pi/html/

I have, gone a little further than this:

In order to share my free software video dvd (and other resources) with people I:-

  • Uploaded files to the server
  • Created a web link to the iso file
  • Edited my router firewall so it would allow a connection to the pi

I then shared the appropriate IP address with a friend via irc so he could download the ISO file, and it worked really well.



#YearOfTheFediverse,#httpServer,#website,#html,#css, #Python,#Firewall,#Networking,ProblemSolving,#Skills,#IT

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Free Code Camp Update 02/10/2020

I have now completed all the modules in the FreeCodeCamp responsive web design course.

Profile can be found here that details the time line for this. I have also updated my LinkedIn profile with this update.

As yet I have ONLY completed the actual modules and have not undertaken the assessment projects. However my intention was to follow the course to help support Paignton Library Code Club anyway.


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Free Code Camp – Visual Design 7

Now fully completed Applied Visual Design module with FreeCodeCamp so have now reached 100% of the way through the module

visual design 7

On onto Applied Accessibility next

#learn, #freecodecamp, #web, #responsive,#visual #design, #html, #css, #skills, #codeclub,

Happy to provide help and support via decentralised social media. I can be contacted on Mastodon here. You can get a free account on the instance by following this link.

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Licenced under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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Free Code Camp – Visual Design 6

Completed more of the Applied visual design module with FreeCodeCamp so now reached 73% of the way through the module

visual design 5

More tomorrow.

#learn, #freecodecamp, #web, #responsive,#visual #design, #html, #css, #skills, #codeclub,

Happy to provide help and support via decentralised social media. I can be contacted on Mastodon here. You can get a free account on the instance by following this link.

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Licenced under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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Free Code Camp – Visual Design 5

Completed 10% more of the Applied visual design module with FreeCodeCamp so now reached 60% of the way through the module

visual design 5

#learn, #freecodecamp, #web, #responsive,#visual #design, #html, #css, #skills, #codeclub,

Happy to provide help and support via decentralised social media. I can be contacted on Mastodon here. You can get a free account on the instance by following this link.

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Licenced under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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Free Code Camp – Visual Design 4

Completed some more of the visual design module in FreeCodeCamp so now reached 50% of the way through the module

visual design 4

So lots of progress made on this, and more useful skills being developed.

#learn, #freecodecamp, #web, #responsive,#visual #design, #html, #css, #skills, #codeclub,

Happy to provide help and support via decentralised social media. I can be contacted on Mastodon here. You can get a free account on the instance by following this link.

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Licenced under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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Free Code Camp – Visual Design 3

Completed some more of the visual design module in FreeCodeCamp so now reached 37% of the way through the module

visual design 1

Lots of useful design tips in this section of the course, so great for making small adjustments to css, which can really help to improve the visual look of page(s).

#learn, #freecodecamp, #web, #responsive,#visual #design, #html, #css, #skills, #codeclub,

Happy to provide help and support via decentralised social media. I can be contacted on Mastodon here. You can get a free account on the instance by following this link.

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Licenced under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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Free Code Camp – Visual Design 2

Completed some more of the visual design module in FreeCodeCamp so am sharing my progress here.

visual design 1

So far this is proving really useful, and the website is really easy to follow.

#learn, #freecodecamp, #web, #responsive, #design, #html, #css, #skills, #codeclub

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