As I am on the mailing list for Free Code Camp [1]. I was recently emailed with an offer to obtain some Free programming E-books on a range of programming / coding languages, detailed below.
The Python Handbook. 115 pages. Spring 2021. PDF, ePub, Mobi
The Linux Commands Handbook. 135 pages. Fall 2020. PDF, ePub, Mobi
The Deno Beginner’s Handbook. 46 pages. Spring 2020. PDF, ePub, Mobi
The JavaScript Beginner’s Handbook. 76 pages. Early 2020. PDF, ePub, Mobi
The C Beginner’s Handbook. 77 pages. Early 2020. PDF, ePub, Mobi
The Next.js Handbook. 102 pages. Fall 2019. PDF, ePub, Mobi
The Svelte Handbook. 41 pages. Fall 2019. PDF, ePub, Mobi
The HTML Handbook 87 pages. Summer 2019. PDF, ePub, Mobi
The CSS Handbook 173 pages. Spring 2019. PDF, ePub, Mobi
JavaScript from ES5 to ESNext. 75 pages. Early 2019. PDF, ePub, Mobi
The React Beginner’s Handbook. 40 pages. Fall 2020. PDF, ePub, Mobi
The Node.js Handbook. 189 pages. Fall 2018. PDF, ePub, Mobi
The Express.js Handbook. 61 pages. Fall 2018. PDF, ePub, Mobi
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Code Club 5/8/2023 Write uo
Very productive today with attendees working through some of the Hour of code activities, including the more advanced activities which use the Java programming language. So looking good going forward.
Next week the STEM group will be in room 12 ONLY as part of the library Family Fun Festival. The IT learning centre will be locked as I can't cover both rooms.
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So last week we looked at Python and how we can make games. This week, lets move on to JavaScript.
By now you will probably have an account with both and FreeCodeCamp, so jump straight in and start reading, watching and of course coding.
Both websites have excellent forums, you should be able to ask for help with custom projects on
You have a lot of choice here, you can learn to develop games, learn data analyses, machine learning or how to use JavaScript with webpages and much more.
If you would like any help please get in touch with me on twitter @zleap2018 or via the library @paigntonlibrary
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Code Club 1/2/2020 reminder
Code Club 01/02/2020
The next Code Club will be Tomorrow: Saturday 1st February at Paignton Library and information Centre.
Carrying on from what we were doing on 18/1/2020, If anyone is interested in the Hour Of Code activity, we can have a go at that too.
More Scratch 3.0 coding, which is great and a good starting point before moving on to other programming languages.
Rocksndiamonds. which I hope we can eventually use to learn level layout.
We can also take a look at the Tech Pledge. See what people think about this as an idea to make the internet a nicer place. I will have copies printed out.
Also hope to get some feedback and input on my e-safety for coding website project that I am working on in .
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Code Club 01/02/2020
The next Code Club will be on Saturday 1st February at Paignton Library and information Centre.
Carrying on from what we were doing on 18/1/2020, If anyone is interested in the Hour Of Code activity, we can have a go at that too.
More Scratch 3.0 coding, which is great and a good starting point before moving on to other programming languages.
Rocksndiamonds. which I hope we can eventually use to learn level layout.
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Code Club 18/1/2020 Write up
Today at Code Club we had 8 attendees, which is a really good So we had more scratch, and did some more work on the website project.
There was some interest in Micro:bits but not that much. This is something for future sessions. Or even a dedicated session at the library for this. Which may work better.
I also trying and get a Lego Mindstorms Robot built, but this takes time.
We also had Lucy, from the Tech Jam drop in and this resulted in a few e-mail between myself and Lucy go discuss learning platforms.
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AI statement : Consent is NOT granted to use the content of this blog for the purposes of AI training or similar activity. Consent CANNOT be assumed, it has to be granted.
The first Code Club of 2020 went really well. Today we were up to six. So people are starting to come back after the Christmas Holiday.
Today, we undertook some more work on the website that we have been working on. We also undertook an hour of code activity, my aim is to try and get lots of people having a go at this, you get a certificate at the end.
More Scratch 3.0 coding, which is great and a good starting point before moving on to other programming languages.
Rocksndiamonds. which I hope we can eventually use to learn level layout.
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Code Club 04/01/2020
The first Code Club of 2020 will be on Saturday 4th January at
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