Code Club 25/11/2023 Write up

We had a busy session today. As you can see from the photo, we did more work on the netbooks.

code club november 2023

We were also doing more Scratch and some HTML / CSS.

I have added more links below to try and reflect our current set of activities.

I was also helping another attendee with electronics, even though I think what he wants to do is a little complex for the resources available and requires more engineering and or electronics knowledge.

As well as the above, Helen from the STEM group was working on getting the line following robot working and also getting the Lego WeDo working, so we now have a small Lego robot that can detect obstacles, as well as a basic Lego Windmill, which we can look at this during the next STEM group meeting on the 9th December.

Next Code Club

The next code club is on 2/12/2023


#CodeClub,#Python,#Web,#Hardware,#Software,#Electronics, #STEM

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