Run your own social media
A really good article on how to run your own social instance, from Terrance
Some really good tips here
#fediverse #activitypub #socialnetwork
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Guide to the fediverse
With the Fediverse expanding it is really nice to have some great resources to explain how both the Fedivese ad in this case Mastodon work. This explanation is from torresjrjr
There is also a video on Peertube below.
More resources will be posted shortly, in the mean time you can sign up here
After which this website useful to help you find people with similar interests.
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Wordpress and activity pub
If you are using Wordpress and would like to federate to Mastodon for example then this article on the wordpress website may be useful.
Thank you to Feditips for posting this to Mastodon.
You can follow the Activity Pub Plugin Author here

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
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PodCast Search
I found this on the Fediverse last year, so am sharing again as it was originally shared on the Devon & Cornwall Linux user group website.
As the name suggests this allows you to search for a pod cast in a good range of topics.
Libre Lounge is another podcast that has covered different aspects of the Fediverse, this includes some of the more technical aspects including a multipart discussion on Activity Pub. Activity pub is one of the protocols that allows posts to be federated across the network.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
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How to follow this blog
You can follow this blog by checking back daily or if you are on a ActivityPub enabled fediverse instance, for example, Mastodon, you can follow
** RSS Feed :** RSS Feed
** Fediverse :**
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