Paul Sutton

Personal Blog

Open Street map 2


So further to my previous post, I am starting to work on adding items to the Map, mostly in St Mary Church and Paignton Town Centre.

If you log in, you can see what I have done and how others have helped with this too.

View Larger Map

I will try and reach out to Torbay Community Builders to see if anyone else can help or recruit volunteers to help with the project, as local knowledge is really essential for accuracy on where places are etc.


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Open Street Map


Online collaborative project creating a world geographic database


Help with project

There are lots of ways to help with this project. Local knowledge is key to accuracy, if you sign up, find your local area you can add notes to the map or resolve others. I have been doing this for the Torbay Area.

Note: There will be a post on how to use Matrix tomorrow


#Community,#Open,#StreetMap,#Cartograpy,#CrowdScource, #OpenStreetMap

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SES participates in replacement for Ukraine’s Starlink network

This sounds good to me, the first step is removing our reliance on the USA once and for all. You can read more about this on the Europe Says website here



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Another Trudeau speech

Great speech from the Canadian PM on the “DUMB” tariffs impost by Trump. This was a few days ago, due to my post scheduling.



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USA Votes against a UN resolution for a day of hope.

This was reported on the Fediverse.

The USA was the sole UN member state to vote against a resolution calling for an International day of Hope.

Even Putin's Russia supported this resolution.

But hope is dead in official US policy, ostensibly due to DEI commitments.

Shameful. The US stands alone as a land committed to isolation & hate.

un resolution - usa votes

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Science Evidence

As part of chemistry week 2024, I am sharing a few infographics from the Compound Interest website

Today we look at Evidence in Science. This is more general to science, but it is important to understand the science processes in research.

Science Evidence

Other links



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The US is ending support for Ukrainian F-16s

I am sharing this as it appears the main media outlets are NOT reporting this.

The US is ending support for Ukrainian F-16s, but there is a way out The USA is meant to be our Friend and Ally, clearly given recent activity it is anything BUT this.

You can read the Mastodon post that links to this article and comment further.

It is clear that, we in Europe need to redefine who our friends are and who we can trust.


#USA,#F16,#Denmark,#Support,#EndOfSupport,#Ukraine, #Russia,#War,#EU,#Allies,#Enemies,#Trust

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TeX Live 2025

Tex Live is due for release today, 8th March 2025. Please see their website for updates.

This will no longer fit on a standard size DVD (4.7gb) you can create a USB stick from the image. If possible please try and use a torrent client as this reduces the pressure on the HTTP servers.

Torrents now available

Please follow TeX User's Group on Mastodon for updates.



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Critical thinking

As it is science week, I am just reposting this.

Critical thinking



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Tinkerers Meeting – March 2025

The next meeting of the Tor bay Tinkerers group will be on Saturday 22nd March 2025. Please see their website for more details and a write-up of the May Meeting.

We meet at:-

STEAM Cafe, 13 Torbay Road 11am to 13:00

Possible topics

  • Dragster Race Car update
  • Fixing IR robot car – This should now be fixed

To give you an idea of what we have been up to, please see the write-up from Feb 2025

If you would like to ask any questions please contact me, details are on my contact page.



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