CyberSecurity part 15
As this series is going to eventually get to looking at cybersecurity, it would be a good idea to learn about networking concepts. This video seems good at explaining some of this. In fact, it also covers firewalls, which I had planned for a later post.
I have also added links to details of common network ports and their associated services.
What is:
- a switch
- router
- gateway
- subnet
- gateway
- firewall
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How to Find and Apply to Industry Roles
So I recently attended the Scismic [1] webinar on How to Find and Apply to Industry Roles This follows on from last months webinar.
Some really useful tips here on what to look for, how to match skills to roles, how to emphasise your skills / experience / expertise to the job description. Different skills and types of roles between academic and industry experience and how you add these to your CV to gain the attention of the Hiring manager.
A really good webinar. I am adapting my notes as I am not looking at working in Biotech, nevertheless the idea of the informational interview could be really useful going forward.
If you are looking for a job in Biotech. I would recommend reaching out to Erin at Scismic and seeing how they can help. They are a job matching service, so they can take your skills etc and match to possible vacancies.
1 Scismic
I can now download the video of the webinar, so will add to the videos of the previous two webinars.

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Informational Interviews
So I recently attended the Scismic webinar on Informational Interviews. This follows on from the 'A summary of you' webinar from 7th May.
The webinar included an explanation on what an informational interview is, the purpose. preparation and how to go about setting on up. The difference between this and a formal interview process and the fact these interviews are about finding out about roles and not about asking for a job.
Some excellent tips were on the sort of questions to ask, the type of questions can be put in to four categories.
A really good webinar. I am adapting my notes as I am not looking at working in Biotech, nevertheless the idea of the informational interview could be really useful going forward.
If you are looking for a job in Biotech I would recommend reaching out to Erin at Scismic and seeing how they can help.
1 Scismic

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Website on pi

I spent some time on last night, setting up a mini web server on m Raspberry pi.
So running a http server on a Raspberry Pi.
For this project I am just using the python3-test-server package,
- Install python3-test-server
- Create a directory to hold some html files
- Change to this directory
- Create a very basic html file e.g index.html
- run python3 -m http.server:7800 where 7800 is the port you want to use

In the browser go to ip:7800

What I have done here, however is
I have, gone a little further than this:
In order to share my free software video dvd (and other resources) with people I:-
- Uploaded files to the server
- Created a web link to the iso file
- Edited my router firewall so it would allow a connection to the pi
I then shared the appropriate IP address with a friend via irc so he could download the ISO file, and it worked really well.

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Flockingbird is a new project to build a privacy respecting, professional networking platform, similar to LinkedIn but without ads, tracking etc.
As it is early days, you can follow the project on Mastodon
Or find more information at:-
I have submitted some ideas for this project. It is nice to be able to do this and make contributions, however small.
This will be a most welcome concept.
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