Scismic Event 30seconds to sell yourself

Date & Time Nov 14, 2023 06:00 PM in London
Do you have an elevator pitch to help you convey your career goals at networking events? Jayne Mattson, author and career coach can help.
Meeting is via zoom
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Scismic jobs webinars.
The four workshops presented by Scismic during January 2023 are now complete. All recordings are available on Youtube and links are below.
I have also included a link to their Create a winning CV webinar from a few years ago.
Recordings are now available:-
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Industry Resumes for the Life Sciences
Sorry for short notice, this is part 1 of a 4 part series. I will try and post the others sooner.

Date and time
Tue, January 10, 2023, 5:00 PM – 5:30 PM EST
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Job: PhD cetaceans English Channel – Plymouth Uni
Spotted this to day on Fediverse, so sharing. Best of luck to anyone who applies.
Posted to fedi by : Ana Rodrigues
Fedi id:
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Scismic : Finding your ideal industry role
The next scismic webinar is on 24th Feb

Please see here for the signup form.
Event is free, 10- 11pm UK (GMT) but your time zone will vary.
While Scismic are focussed on Biotechnology roles, these webinars usually have some takeaways for a lot of other industries, so well worth attending.
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ToriOS Internship Program – version 1.0
- We need people who enjoy #programming and want to do it for fun, to create really nice small things that can be used easily by almost anyone.
- All levels of programming are fine.
- People need to have #motivation to do this because they want to,
themselves. They need motivation to learn more because they are growing.
- They must have the ability to #fail and #learn from it.
- As long as those exist, #skills will come. Anything anyone already has to begin with is fine.
- Rust, serde, FLTK, DBus, X11/etc, XDG, lexer, TUI, Linux, Every Window
Manager there is, Rust coreutils/chroot/squashfs?/etc for building,
TOML/JSON/INI/etc, HIG/UI/UX accessibility, Bash scripting.
1- Oxidize the C++ programs used in ToriOS, and improve them.
2- Oxidize the scripted builds.
3- Oxidize the scripts used in ToriOS, and use serde for configuration,
support multiple formats in and out.
4- Build separate libraries for separate tasks. Many small libraries that
can be reused are better than one big one for everything.
5- Bring these components together and create a desktop environment using any window manager.
6- Replace GNU with Rust equivalents to make Oxidized Linux as the base of
the operating system.
7- Configure multiple window managers using the same graphical tool,
allowing for the conversion of one window manager format to another,
8- build menus for window managers with an oxidized menu generator.
9- Oxidize FLTK applications menu program.
10- Make portrait and landscape layouts for the desktop. Using dbus to load
things when needed.
Longer term wish list goals:
1- Rust + FLTK to create a modern panel/tray system.
2- Handle the virtual desktops, use ~/Desktop.d/... for handling multiple desktops with multiple icon layouts. Just a desktop manager, not a
file manager.
3- Build our design of a very modular onscreen keyboard.
4- Make all GUI apps display a TUI when no $DISPLAY exists.
5- Volume manager to trigger whatever events are configured.
6- Pre-built Phone images to flash as well as ISOs to download.
7- replace any GTK specific programs with Rust + FLTK versions.
8- use a native Rust GUI toolkit when one is mature enough.
The word [#Oxidize] is used to mean converting an older program to use
Rust, instead of whatever programming language it was originally written in.
IF AND ONLY IF YOU MEET ALL THE REQUIREMENTS, please apply by sending an email to: [ ali AT torios DOT top ]
- Subject Line must contain [ToriOS Internship ver 1.0]
- Introduce yourself – mention your REAL name.
- Country – wherever you currently live.
- Written consent that have read + agree on each and everything mentioned
in this post.
- Please explain WHY you think I should let you in?
- NO begging please. Begging means reject.
- DO NOT send any Resume/CV because that means reject.

#Linux. #Debian,#Ubuntu,#volunteering,#Jobs,#ToriOSInternship
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Scismic webinar January
I am looking forward to the next Scismic webinar 'event next month is 'LinkedIn for The STEM Jobseeker' which will take place in January.

Date : Wednesday January 19 2022
Time: 9:00 to 10:00 pm gmt
Tickets: : here
For details, please see the Scismic Website. I get access to these because I am signed up on their website (free).
If you are interested in a career within Biotech then these webinars are really worth checking out, as is Scismic. I would also recommend the CV template workshop they did in association with Overleaf a while back. Please see the Overleaf Webinars page for more details.
However these webinars / workshops are interesting anyway and have some useful ideas / advice etc.
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Scismic webinar December
I am looking forward to the next Scismic webinar 'event next month is Maintaining Resilience During Your Job Search' which will take place in December.

Date : 15th December
For details, please see the Scismic Website. I get access to these because I am signed up on their website (free).
If you are interested in a career within Biotech then these webinars are really worth checking out, as is Scismic. I would also recommend the CV template workshop they did in association with Overleaf a while back. Please see the Overleaf Webinars page for more details.
However these webinars / workshops are interesting anyway and have some useful ideas / advice etc.
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Scismic Careers Fair
I attended the Scismic virtual careers fair yesterday (21st July). Excellent event and really useful. I am not looking for biotech jobs, but I did find the CV work shop useful, esp scanning through CVs to pick out key words / skills etc.
Looking forward to future events, workshops, webinars etc.

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How to Find and Apply to Industry Roles
So I recently attended the Scismic [1] webinar on How to Find and Apply to Industry Roles This follows on from last months webinar.
Some really useful tips here on what to look for, how to match skills to roles, how to emphasise your skills / experience / expertise to the job description. Different skills and types of roles between academic and industry experience and how you add these to your CV to gain the attention of the Hiring manager.
A really good webinar. I am adapting my notes as I am not looking at working in Biotech, nevertheless the idea of the informational interview could be really useful going forward.
If you are looking for a job in Biotech. I would recommend reaching out to Erin at Scismic and seeing how they can help. They are a job matching service, so they can take your skills etc and match to possible vacancies.
1 Scismic
I can now download the video of the webinar, so will add to the videos of the previous two webinars.

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