Paul Sutton


Scismic Webinars

Further to a recent post on the current run of Scismic webinars. I have found their youtube channel with all the previous webinars on.

Well worth viewing. There is also the Create a winning CV webinar on the [Overleaf](] website that was presented by Scismic a while back.



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Industry Resumes for the Life Sciences

Sorry for short notice, this is part 1 of a 4 part series. I will try and post the others sooner.

Industry Resumes for the Life Sciences

Date and time

Tue, January 10, 2023, 5:00 PM – 5:30 PM EST




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Scismic Careers Fair

I attended the Scismic virtual careers fair yesterday (21st July). Excellent event and really useful. I am not looking for biotech jobs, but I did find the CV work shop useful, esp scanning through CVs to pick out key words / skills etc.

Looking forward to future events, workshops, webinars etc.




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Avoiding Interview mistakes

Last night, I attended a webinar on avoiding interview mistakes. This was presented by Scismic [1], who specialise in Biotechnology. However the tips and advice given are applicable across a wide range of industries.

This was really good, and lots of really useful advice which I will be using going forward in my job search.

As I first learned about Scismic, from a CV webinar, they presented in collaboration with Overleaf. I have included a link to the Overleaf webinar page. It should be possible to view a recording of this.


1 Scismic 2 Create a winning CV Webinar


#Jobs,#Recruitment,#Applications,#Interview,#Avoiding, #Mistakes,#Scismic,#Webinar,#BioTechnology,#CV,#Resume,#Overleaf,#LaTeX

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I am using the Deluge bit torrent client to download and stream various free software ISOs. You may find that using this, causes your connection to slow down and other internet operations are slow too. The solution is to pause the download while you do other tasks.

Right click on the torrent you want to pause, and simply select pause, to resume, select resume.

deluge sys tray


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