到加州后我整体的感觉是我更放松了一些,不知道是加州还是Caltech还是别的什么,给了我一种calming effect。或许是我过去一直在“追”的东西都已经得到了—在领域的所有track,track A, B, C都有通过的投稿,发表既有理论也有实验工作的文章,拿到Caltech的offer,自己申到了fellowship—好像我内心的很多“匮乏”都得到了补充,我就没有之前的那种为了去追这些goal而有的焦虑。相反我的mind可以更自由,自由地选择去关注学术的内容,或者非学术的内容。我有种我在尽情地投入到我的生活里的感觉,把学术和非学术在没有pressure的状态下融入到一起;我总觉得这种状态是最理想的。而因为没有goal的自由,我觉得我能活在当下。
Years of therapy really helped, as I started to get in touch with my feelings more and had more insights about myself. It feels like doing a puzzle and I am trying to put the pieces together. I enjoy getting those Eureka moments when I understand more about myself—those moments of being seen by myself gave me comfort, feelings of closeness and authenticity.
周三下午和老板有一对一meeting, 我提醒老板paper review两周后due,并让他看了我写的针对reviewer要求的证明草稿。花了一个小时的时候去读和改那部分的证明。以往可能我会觉得效率低下,但是我注意到因为这部分的内容是我特别想要加强的,所以老板的input对我来说是非常valuable的,于是我还算是很enjoy这个过程。【所以我注意到我对老板风格的反应,是和我自身状态很有关系的。This non-annoyance is interesting, because this could mean that how I felt about him is really related to my desire and my needs. So it could be completely fine if he is just being himself and he can get along with other students. While maybe it could just be me that my personality does not match his style from the very beginning. I saw no way to admit it when I was younger. Really. If I agreed with this personality mismatch, how could I talked myself through and survived these years.】
I dreamt about getting birthday presents and notes from people. They mostly came from two groups, colleagues and high school classmates. For colleagues, I remember that D sent me a box of board game or something. For high school classmates, I vaguely remember TF seems to have written something, although we are not quite familiar with each other at all—And of course the notes are at very superficial level.
在therapy group里bring up了很多次和老板之间的纠缠,几周前在group里我叙述了一番之后therapist总结向我确认There is something that draws you in (to your advisor)? 我说是的。到底是什么draw me in,当时我没能articulate,现在我有一个更clear的idea了。其中一个因素是是math。
我从来没有meet him in person,我们之间的接触大多都是文字、Discord的语音和偶尔的几次我看他stream游戏。所以在梦里他的长相并不清晰,我也一开始并没有意识是他,只知道是一个朋友从欧洲(可能是德国)飞过来visit我。我和老公招待他,让他借住在我们的apartment;梦里我们的apartment也是一个完全陌生的apartment。我记得我和老公去一个陌生的中国超市买了月饼,但是我和老公两个人很快地就把月饼吃完了。然后我们一起在外面去吃加了辣椒的拉面。吃完拉面往家走的时候,我很亲昵地搂着他的脖子问他吃了我们买的月饼没有。他说没有。然后我便很急切地说那我们再去买月饼,一定要让他尝尝。但是转念又一想说,他之前有过一个中国女朋友,那他一定吃过月饼的。(这个细节让我确定了这个梦里面的人是Z。)