Trumps latest tirade – a dire warning
This was posted to the Fediverse earlier, It serves as a dire warning that the US Republican party is very dangerous. We are already seeing book banning in some states, unless those books are approved, schools that have had books donated are clearing shelves, under the threat of a 3rd degree felony charge. And Trans issues does seem to be one of the reasoning behind this.
They are also allowing puberty blockers / Testosterone treatments for cis children, but NOT those who are Trans. It does not take a great deal of intelligence to see what is going on here.
If you are not aware of this, have you been living in a cave for the past few weeks ?
I am sharing this here to help RAISE AWARENESS, these comments are not only disgusting, but show that there are serious issues in society.
This is the SAME Donald Trump that Nick Clegg, former UK deputy prime minister seems to feel is safe enough to be back on Facebook. Trump knows he won't be kicked off Facebook for comments made away Facebook hence the above was on his social media site (don't forget he got in to legal trouble for breaching the AGPL).
He is also facing at least SIX SERIOUS charges including inciting insurrection.
How he was allowed to be back on Facebook is beyond my comprehension. All I can think and a few people have mentioned this on Fedi, is that the decision is about money, after all that is what Facebook is good at, collect data use to sell adverts and don't give a damn about safeguarding anyone on the network.
The UK online safety bill won't even scratch the surface with this,
On the banning of books in schools, this is where it starts, suppress knowledge of groups of people or ideas etc.

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