Paul Sutton


African American Studies supressed.

This is happening in the USA right now.

And some more from George Takei (Lt Sulu from Star Trek)

We have got to wake up to this, while this is in the USA, it is a path that seems very dangerous, banning books not approved by state, or from approved suppliers, denying Trans kids access to the same drugs as their cis counterparts. This all adds up. I will post some info on a comment (well more tirade) by Donald Trump on the 3rd of Feb.

All this seems is linked to State Governor Ron DeSantis but also linked to other republicans.

Wake up or face the same thing happening in other countries. This is all being discussed on the Fediverse right now, and people are suffering, teachers can't use books, and kids who can't afford books are being denied access to books.

Related posts or articles

#USA,#Books,#Curriculum,#AfricanAmericanStudies,#LGBT,#Freedoms, #Suppression.

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Teaching Computing Curriculum

The new framework for teaching computing and computer science can be found on the Teach Computing website.

As part of this, there are sections covering teaching animation. One example is for year 3 – Stop frame animation

At code club we have a piece of software called Tupi, which can be used for animation. I am creating a set of videos for peertube to cover the basic usage of this. As I am using Debian 11 to use the software and produce these resources they can be found in the Debian section of my account on the federated Peertube network.

Please do not ask me about uploading to Youtube.

The next Code Club is on Saturday 15th October, so we may take a look at this IF there is sufficient interest.



#CodeClub,#Animation,#UK,#Schools,#Curriculum. #TeachingComputing,#PeerTube,#Tupi,#TupiDraw

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Physics on the curriculum

Just been looking through my Physics world [1] article archive and came across this from August 2020 [2]. This is looking at how Physics is taught, the lack of recent discoveries included in the curriculum and how this could be linked to a lower interest in studying Physics further.




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