Paul Sutton


Jupyter Notebook

This article on Jupyter notebook ties in nicely with a previous article on Scientific Writing so another really interesting article relating to this posted to the fediverse. This gives some useful tips and tricks to help you make the most of this powerful software.

You can read the article on Makeuseof here



#Tech #MakeUseOf #TechNews #IT via @morganeogerbc #ProductivityTricks #ProductivityTips #Programming #CodingTips #Python,#JupyterNotebook

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Website on pi

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I spent some time on last night, setting up a mini web server on m Raspberry pi.

So running a http server on a Raspberry Pi.

For this project I am just using the python3-test-server package,

  1. Install python3-test-server
  2. Create a directory to hold some html files
  3. Change to this directory
  4. Create a very basic html file e.g index.html
  5. run python3 -m http.server:7800 where 7800 is the port you want to use

web server on pi

In the browser go to ip:7800

Website on pi

What I have done here, however is

  • Run the server on the pi,
  • Connected via ssh to create the site files and run the server
  • Edited the basic website on the pi via ssh, by running a text editor
  • To copy other files directly from my main PC to the Pi i used

    • scp file.jpg pi@ip:path e.g
      • scp file.jpg pi@ip:/home/pi/html/

I have, gone a little further than this:

In order to share my free software video dvd (and other resources) with people I:-

  • Uploaded files to the server
  • Created a web link to the iso file
  • Edited my router firewall so it would allow a connection to the pi

I then shared the appropriate IP address with a friend via irc so he could download the ISO file, and it worked really well.



#YearOfTheFediverse,#httpServer,#website,#html,#css, #Python,#Firewall,#Networking,ProblemSolving,#Skills,#IT

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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Basic IT Course Update 6

I have now completed all 6 units of the Level 1 Basic IT course. Exit document submitted. I just need to wait for the final certificate.

#IT, #Computer, #course, #level1, #basic, #skills

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Licenced under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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Basic IT Course Update 5

I have now completed all 6 units of the Level 1 Basic IT course. I am now waiting, for this final module to be assessed, or for my work to be returned with instructions as to any changes that need to be made.

#IT, #Computer, #course, #level1, #basic, #skills

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Licenced under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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