At midnight
In and around Higashiyama Ward, Tokyo, Japan
Finding the area around Kiyomizu temple to be agreeable, the crew of the Black Flea has decided to stick around and wander in the northern part of Higashiyama Ward, in the Gion District.
S: Are we here so you can gawk at geisha?
RP: Who, me?
WU: I think she means me.
Syvil whacks Wu-chan on the arm as his eyes follow a pair of geisha walking past.
SM: Wu-chan, you know, most of them are synthers.
WU: So you're saying that I shouldn't feel guilty about staring at them, right?
S: (whacks Wu-chan on the arm) Are looks all that you care about?
WU: What? You don't understand. It's like when you eat at an exclusive restaurant and they serve you a plate of beautifully arranged food that is a work of art, and you rather stare at it and admire it than eat it.
SM: So you're not primitively attracted to a gorgeous female wearing a yukata and geta, sheepishly smiling at you from behind her sensu fan, practically begging you to come over?
WU: In this hypothetical, I would indeed walk over to her, but not because of a primitive attraction to her. I'd do it because she's asked me to come over to her and no decent human would say no.
S: (eyes rolling) Of course you would.
RP: Maybe she needs my help, too?
SM: (whacks Red on the arm) No, you will not.
RP: No, I will not.
WU: Oh Red, anata wa kawaisou.
S: (whacks Wu-chan on the arm) Unlike you, Red has his priorities in order.
WU: Sure I do. The four of us will be together forever.
RP: Hey Cap, where's our ryokan?
WU: South, about 1.5 kilometers.
RP: You mean we're not staying in Gion?
WU: Sadly, no. This touristy area is fully booked a year ahead. On the bright side, on the way back there's this temple that had a giant crest of the Jodo Mission. I wanted to walk past and see if it's interesting.
The four start walking south, taking Wu-chan's lead.
SM: At night?
WU: Yeah? Why not?
SM: Aren't buddhist temples creepy at night? Don't they bury priests on the premises?
WU: Don't be silly. Besides, we're just peering in to see if it's worth visiting when it's open.
S: What if we see ghosts?
WU: Of a priest?
S: A priest with unresolved anger.
WU: Ha. No such thing! Okay, we turn left here.
RP: (slightly apprehensive) Are you sure, Cap?
WU: Oh, I didn't realize it would be this poorly lit. Watch out everyone, it's a very long staircase. Do you want me to hold your hand, Syil?
S: (brushes Wu-chan's hand away) Pssh. I don't need you to hold my hand.
WU: Oh, we're here. I uh, I can't see anything inside.
RP: Oh well I guess we just need to come back in the day, shall we go to the ryokan now?
WU: Hold up, let's walk around to the side. Watch your step everyone.
Walking around to the side street, the entire temple is surrounded by a 10-foot tall wall.
S: I don't think we'll be able to look inside, Wu-chan.
WU: Well, since we're here let's just keep walking around the edge. Maybe we'll get lucky. Oh, here's a map. Now let's see, where are we?
S, RP, SM: ...
WU: Oh, I think we're at the rear corner. If we just go around it, I think we'll have covered the entire perimeter that's accessible.
S, RP, SM: ...
WU: Guys?
Syvil turns Wu-chan around.
WU: Oh. Oh wow.
S: Warui, we're in the middle of a cemetery with floating balls of fire!
WU: (pulling out his external optical recording device) Hold on.
S: (whacks Wu-chan on the arm) Are you trying to record this?
WU: Of course! I've never seen hitodama before!
S: (dragging Wu-chan by the neck) We're not sticking around for a bakemono to appear!
SM: (in front, leading everyone out, grabs Red's hand) Everyone grab each other's hand and call out the hand you have. We're getting out of here. Red!
RP: Syvil!
S: Wu-chan!
WU: Uh oh.
S: Wu-chan?
WU: Then, whose hand am I holding with my other hand?
Everyone makes a mad dash out of the cemetery, too scared to look back, while the temple's resident priest grins and waves bye to the crew of the Black Flea.
— The Warubozu Usagi