Tuesday, January 10, 2096

Just before midnight

In and around Kyoto and Osaka, Japan

The Black Flea crew, still enjoying life before the Jageda job, has decided to make a tiny pilgrimage to shrines around Kyoto and Osaka, to find good luck and to enjoy the Toka Ebisu festivities at all of the shrines.

WU: Hey Syvil, is this the last shrine?

S: We've only gone to five shrines. There are hundreds throughout Japan celebrating Toka Ebisu.

WU: Gomen, gomen. I meant, should we make Kiyomizu the last shrine?

S: If you're tired, we can make it the last.

RP: Shoko, would you pound some mochi for me?

SM: I don't know if they'll let a female do the pounding, though.

RP: Aww, that sucks. I really wanted to take a photo.

SM: Usagi no mochitsuki?

WU: Hey Red, I can pound it for your photo.

RP: (sighs) I guess so. But it just isn't the same, Cap.

WU: What do you mean? I'll have you know, growing up in Honolulu, I learned to pound mochi at Honpa Hongwanji at Obon.

S: For real?

WU: Yeah. I even did the Tankō Bushi. Back then I didn't really know the song, so I used to refer to it as the “yoi-yoi” song. Everyone knows the “yoi-yoi” song.

S: You danced?

WU: Well sort of. I tried and gave up and just joined everyone with clapping and yelling out “yoi-yoi!”

RP: What's Tankō Bushi?

WU: Coal mine song.

RP: What's that have to do with Obon?

WU: No idea.

S: That's so you.

Making their way up the hill through the narrow street with shops lined on both sides, they reach the entrance.

WU: Wow. Sugoi!

RP: This is huge!

SM: Oh look Red, there's the mochi pounding area.

RP: (eyes wide open, walking at a fast pace) C'mon Shoko, let's check it out!

WU: Red, the offer stands. I'll pound mochi for you!

S: Would you pound mochi for me?

WU: You hate mochi.

S: So? Dammit Warui, it's not about the mochi.

WU: ?

S: Oh never mind. Go pound mochi for Red.

WU: Oh look. I guess I don't have to. They're letting Shoko pound mochi after all.

Shoko is not really pounding mochi. She's tapping it lightly while Red takes photos.

S: So cute. Wu-chan, will you go pound mochi for me?

WU: (looking back with a big smile, having learned his lesson) Anything for you, Syvil!

15 minutes later, Wu-chan emerges with bruises on his forehead.

RP: Wow Cap, that's an impressive bump on your head.

SM: Is that permanent? Are you going to have to have your shell fixed?

WU: I don't know. I think it'll go down on its own.

S: Poor Wu-chan. Gomen, neh? I'm sorry I made you pound mochi.

WU: Don't be silly. I'd pound my head just for you!

S: (still feeling guilty) It was nice of them to give us free yomogi mochi after that. Here Wu-chan, you can have mine, too.

WU: What? No. Let's just eat it while we enjoy the view of the city lights!

RP: Oh? Umai! This yomogi mochi is great stuff! Cap, let's go get your head hit again!

SM: Red!

— The Warubozu Usagi