Sunday, January 8, 2096
Just before midnight
In Yamanochi town, near Nagano, Japan
Continuing with enjoying their time before their heist on CNY, the crew of the Black Flea are now in the hot spring town of Yamanochi.
WU: (staring at a snow monkey enjoying the hot spring) Subarashi, neh, Saru-chan?
S: They're macaques. They wouldn't understand a word you said.
WU: Eh, it was a rhetorical question. I know they're having a wonderful time. Look at their relaxed faces!
RP: Do you think their faces are red because the hot spring water makes them flush?
SM: They probably get redder when they're in the hot spring, but their faces are naturally reddish, especially the older ones.
WU: Look at the ojiisan with a white moustache, with his eyes closed.
S: Sort of like you?
WU: What? No, I'm not that old.
SM: They all have that moustache, regardless of gender.
RP: How do you know?
SM: See the obaasan? She has a moustache.
RP: How do you know she's an obaasan, though?
SM: Look at the long nipples. She's had many babies.
RP: ...
WU: ...
S: Oof. Thank goodness we're Hafu.
SM: Yup.
S: Shall we go to the human onsen, now?
RP: Yes, please.
SM: Hai!
WU: (walking away, looks back and waves at the snow monkey) Oyasumi-nasai, Saru-chan!
— The Warubozu Usagi