Tech Learning Collective
Just reposting this as it is a useful learning resource
Tuxiversity forum thread for the above,
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Free Software Foundation workshop – 5th June 2023
WorldVistA EHR version of the Department of Veterans Affairs Electronic Health Record
WorldVistA EHR version of the Department of Veterans Affairs Electronic Health Record
Monday, June 5, 16:00-16:45 EDT (20:00-20:45 UTC)
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Free Software Foundation workshop – 30th May 2023
BigCode: Open and responsible research on code-generating AI systems
BigCode: Open and responsible research on code-generating AI systems
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Free Software Foundation workshop – 15th May 2023
Digital colonialism, surveillance capitalism, and a libre software future
Digital colonialism, surveillance capitalism, and a libre software future
Monday, May 15, 12:00–13:30 EDT (16:00–17:30 UTC)
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Free Software Foundation workshop – 8th May 2023
LeanWeb: A Ruby (out of rails) web framework for static and dynamic content
LeanWeb: A Ruby (out of rails) web framework for static and dynamic content
Monday, May 08, 12:00–13:30 EDT (16:00–17:30 UTC)
LeanWeb: A Ruby (out of rails) web framework for static and dynamic content
Monday, May 08, 12:00–13:30 EDT (16:00–17:30 UTC)
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Free Software Foundation workshop – 1st May 2023
Metacartes: a free/libre toolbox to chart the course to an ethical digital technology
Metacartes: a free/libre toolbox to chart the course to an ethical digital technology
Monday, May 01, 12:00–13:30 EDT (16:00–17:30 UTC)
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Scismic jobs webinars.
The four workshops presented by Scismic during January 2023 are now complete. All recordings are available on Youtube and links are below.
I have also included a link to their Create a winning CV webinar from a few years ago.
Recordings are now available:-
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Free Software Foundation workshop – 24th April 2023
The immortal cookbook
The immortal cookbook
Monday, April 24, 12:00–13:30 EDT (16:00–17:30 UTC)
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FSF Workshops
The first of the post LibrePlanet workshops takes place on Monday 10th April. Details below.
Newk Script: Code katas to learn programming
- Time: Monday, April 10, 12:00–13:30 EDT (16:00–17:30 UTC)
- Format: Online workshop
- Event link
- Registration link
- Presenter: Reynaldo Cordero
- Description:
Are you interested in a serendipitous Haskell programming learning method on your computer with over 1,700 katas ready to train? Newk is a Bash script using a 100% free software environment that takes advantage of serendipity the same way you learn to speak in childhood. No formal (or informal) classes: you are simply exposed to spoken information of any kind and at any level in real contexts, where everything is new, surprising, and true. Did you learn to speak? You will learn to program!
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LibrePlanet workshop 1
Due to the number of talks, at this years LibrePlanet conference, planned, it was decided that workshops should take place post conference. The first workshop, takes place on 2nd May 2022.
Free Software and Hardware

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