Paul Sutton


CyberSecurity part 27

Build Your Own Linux

This looks like a really useful tutorial for anyone wanting to build their own GNU/Linux system from scratch. So this also ties in to this series as being able to build robust, secure systems is essential. A good way to do this is build your own.




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CyberSecurity part 26

A guide to self hosting

AndewYu has produced a really useful guide, detailing how you can set up your own website and host this yourself, from obtaining a domain, setting up DNS and obtaining a SSL Certificate,

There is a lot of really useful information here, and it ties in nicely with this series of posts and perhaps learning about writing websites with HTML / CSS for example.




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CyberSecurity part 25

Open Source vs Free Software

There seems to be confusion around the terms Free software and Open Source Software.

To briefly clarify this.

The primary difference is philosophy – The free software movement says we're here doing all this because proprietary software is unethical. Wrong. Unjust.

The open source movement says we're here doing all of this because we can get technically better software.

Free software

Free software, does not simply mean the software is free as in cost, it refers to Free as in Freedom and a free software license such as the GPL [2] grants a user 4 freedoms.

  • Freedom to use for any purpose
  • Freedom to study the software
  • Freedom to modify
  • Freedom to copy and share the software with others

The freesoftware movement is also therefore about philosophy.


1 2



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CyberSecurity part 10-1

So far, this series as presented links to a good series on the BASH shell, so you should now be able to navigate and carry out basic and may be more advanced tasks. The series of posts, will now move on to other topics. I am aware that much of this may be new to people.

As I mostly hangout on IRC (Internet Relay Chat), which is a text based real time chat system, I am happy to provide basic support via IRC, probably early evenings (UTC). So between 19:00 and 21:00. I am on irc as zleap.

I have included a direct link below to the web based chat area [2], so using channel #phillw. I know the owner due to being involved with testing big blue button.

You are encouraged to read up a little on IRC [3], For transparency, we are using the Libera Chat network [4]. The web client is hosted with KiwiChat [5].


1 Tuxiversity Forum

Further help with this series of posts

2 IRC Chat 3 What is irc 4 Libera Chat 5 Kiwi Chat



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UK Covid restrictions include work from home

As the new UK Covid restrictions advise working from home, it is perhaps time to reboot some thinking when it comes to video conferencing.,

Big blue button is an open source video conferencing platform, that has been developed with teaching in mind, but is an extremely capable platform.

There are lots of excellent features, but importantly it is secure, can be self hosted which makes it ideal for environments where privacy and data protection is very important (e.g schools) or hosted by a 3rd party within the UK or EU meaning it is then covered under the GDPR.

Unlike MS teams or zoom, there are very few cookies dumped on your computer, MS teams needs an MS account (or seems to). Zoom is limited to short calls unless you pay for the premium version, if you use the free version then adverts are going to be used.

BBB has NONE of this nonsense.


If you are a non profit, SME or school. You are able to use the instance at for free. You will need to sign up using your organisation e-mail address. Students just need to be given a link to the teaching room and if set up a passcode.

If you need help setting up you can go to the BBB website above or chat on IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channel #phillw-social.

The above link opens up the Libera Chat web client page.

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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