Paul Sutton


Organic Chemistry 4 : Plastics

Previous post

Moving on lets have a look at:-

I have built this using Molymods in the video below, Just imagine that the rest of the white atoms (hydrogen from previous video) are in fact green, Chlorine atoms.

You may find Molview helpful for visualising molecules on your computer screen too. This could complement physical building which I find can help understanding further.

I will post a few more videos showing the other molecules in that section of the infographic.


#chemistry,#organic,#compoundchemistry,#modeling,#molymod, #education,#plastics,#Polytetrafluoroethylene,#Polytetrafluroethene #monomer,#polymer

**Note: ** Polytetrafluoroethylene. It appears that Polytetrafluroethylene and Polytetrafluroethene are the same molecule, with different spellings depending on if you're using US or GB English.

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Organic Chemistry 3 Plastics

Following on from organic-chemistry-2 we have had a look at Alcohols. So will now turn some attention to plastics.

So again we can construct models of plastics in a similar way, the main difference here is that plastics are POLYMERS, which are MONOMERS chained together.

Mono – Single Poly – Multiple

Common plastics

So looking at the above you will notice that they are using n to indicate there is more than 1 in the chain.

So starting with ${C2H2}$ or Ethene, this becomes Polyethene when more monomers are added to the chain.

So in the video below, I construct Ethene and then, in the spirit of Blue Peter, I am then using a few more I made earlier.

You may find Molview helpful for visualising molecules on your computer screen too. This could complement physical building which I find can help understanding further.

I will post a few more videos showing the other molecules in that section of the infographic.

#chemistry,#organic,#compoundchemistry,#modeling,#molymod, #education,#plastics,#polyethene,#ethene,#monomer,#polymer

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So following on from organic-chemistry-1. Lets have a quick look at another group: Alcohols.

SO following the same naming convention as Alkanes, we name Alcohols in a similar way.

  • Methanol ${CH3OH}$
  • Ethanal ${C2}{H5}{OH}$
  • Butanol ${C3H7}{OH}$
  • Propaol ${C4H9}{OH}$
  • Pentanol ${C5H11}{OH}$

So in the video below. I have taken Methane and Pentane and made Methanol and Pentanol respectively from these.

As an extension to this, we can of course also construct 3-Pentanol where the Functional alcohol group is on the 3rd carbon along the chain. See video below.

You may find Molview helpful for visualising molecules on your computer screen too. This could complement physical building which I find can help understanding further.

Hopefully this is helpful. Have fun.

#chemistry,#organic,#compoundchemistry,#modeling,#molymod, #education,#alcohol

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Organic Chemistry 1 (Basic Alkanes)

So following on from molecular-modelling-with-clay-part-1

I am going to stick to using the actual molymod kits. However, feel free to use clay if you don't have access.

So I have built

  • Methane ${CH4}$
  • Ethane ${C2}{H6}$
  • Butane ${C3H8}$
  • Propane ${C4H10}$
  • Pentane ${C5H12}$

I have presented how these look in the video below.

So this shows you what these molecules look like using spacefill.

And below is a basic construction guide.

The following infographic may be useful here.

organic molecule names

You may find Molview helpful for visualising molecules on your computer screen too. This could complement physical building which I find can help understanding further.

Further help and questions

If you would like any further help with chemistry (or any other science subject) then I have found ScienceForums to be a very useful, friendly and educational forum.

Free signup and there is a section there on homework help. As long as you follow the forum guidelines then someone should be able to help, don't forget to upvote any answers.

Feel free to tag me in to posts @paulsutton, I am sure there are others who may be more able to help with specific questions on science generally.

#chemistry,#organic,#compoundchemistry,#modeling,#molymod,#education, #alkanes,#lookingforwork

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More molecular modelling

So following on from my Post on 23/7/2020 I decided to share some of the info graphics created by Compound Chemistry

These are useful for GCSE and A'level chemistry. Building the models could help enforce the learning provided. I would strongly suggest talking to your teacher for advice on this.

So first off, looking at how different organic molecules are named.

organic compound naming

So you should be able to take some of the diagrams here and create some basic models. Don't forget to you can use the bendy straws for double bonds.

As isomerism is also covered in the curriculum (or was) this may also be useful.


There are lots of infographics on the website listed below.


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