Paul Sutton


Home Chemistry 10 – Alcohols Part 2

So further to the previous post. We tried this at the STEM group on 11/2/2023.

So using :

  • 21g dried yeast
  • 21g sugar
  • 21ml of Water

We had to weigh the sugar, a measuring cylinder was used to measure out the water. Yeast comes in 7g packets, so 3 are needed, in fact this dictated how much of the other ingredients were used. These ingredients are in a 1:1:1 ratio in a 250ml conical flash. We could see / hear the bubbles which showed the reaction was taking place.

After about 2 hours the result looked like this

Fermentation 2

The reaction can be written down as (source here )

Glucose/sugar + Water (in presence of enzyme yeast) = Ethanol + Carbon Dioxide

$\ce{C6H12O6 + Yeast + H2O –> 2C2H5OH + 2CO2}$

For the record the LaTeX source for this is

$\ce{C6H12O6 + Yeast + H2O  -> 2C2H5OH + 2CO2}$

I have left this securely at the library and will check on it during the week. We can take a look at Code Club on Saturday,

Please note: This activity is NOT designed to teach anyone how to make Alcohol, it is designed to demonstrate the chemical processes involved in fermentation.

Ethanol, can of course be used in other experiments.



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Home Chemistry 10 – Alcohol(s)

So further to the previous experiment. I am going to have a go at fermentation. I have the equipment required including an airlock


The experiment detailed in my previous post should produce ethanoic acid, where as this experiment will produce the alcohol (ethanol) $\ce{C2H5OH}$ As I am using an airlock.

Again, will try this at the next stem group meeting on 11th Feb, with the view to also doing something similar at the STEM Group meeting on 11th March as this coincides with Science week. We have other things planned for that too.

The use of universal indicator paper should help determine what is produced.

Please note: This activity is NOT designed to teach anyone how to make Alcohol, it is designed to demonstrate the chemical processes involved in fermentation.



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So following on from organic-chemistry-1. Lets have a quick look at another group: Alcohols.

SO following the same naming convention as Alkanes, we name Alcohols in a similar way.

  • Methanol ${CH3OH}$
  • Ethanal ${C2}{H5}{OH}$
  • Butanol ${C3H7}{OH}$
  • Propaol ${C4H9}{OH}$
  • Pentanol ${C5H11}{OH}$

So in the video below. I have taken Methane and Pentane and made Methanol and Pentanol respectively from these.

As an extension to this, we can of course also construct 3-Pentanol where the Functional alcohol group is on the 3rd carbon along the chain. See video below.

You may find Molview helpful for visualising molecules on your computer screen too. This could complement physical building which I find can help understanding further.

Hopefully this is helpful. Have fun.

#chemistry,#organic,#compoundchemistry,#modeling,#molymod, #education,#alcohol

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