Molecular modelling with clay part 2

As discussed in my post yesterday. I am going to introduce how to build a few a basic molecules with the resources suggested.

Step 1

Firstly I have cut the Black and White modelling clay to size.


The sections on the RIGHT can be put away for later use. You can see I have more White clay for Hydrogen than Black which I am using for Carbon.

Step 2

Now cut the clay up, roll in to balls and assemble the straws (links) that are needed (in this case 4) It is a good idea to make sure you have all the bits you need to hand.


The Carbon is bigger as we need to attach the 4 Hydrogen to this.


So here, is our Methane model, partly assembled. I have left the last one off for illustration.


The final step is to attach the last Hydrogen to the Carbon creating Methane $CH_4$.

Hope this helps, it may not be perfect but it may help if you can't get hold of actual Molymod kits.

Hopefully what this will allow you to do is visualise basic chemical structures.

There is an addition to this post here


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