Paul Sutton


Children’s Mental Health Week

This year it is running from 6–11 Feb 2023, please see website for more information.



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Shymyder Cup

On Saturday 3rd December, there was a Charity American Football game taking place in Bristol UK. The trojans put forward several players.

This game is for charity and will see Team USA take on Team Europe

Team Europe 39 ish – 12 USA

cup info

Game recording



#AmericanFootball,#CheersmateProductions,#SchmyderCup,#TeamUSA, #TeamEurope,#Charity,#MentalHealth

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Facebook Manipulated 689,003 Users' Emotions For Science

If you use Facebook, please STOP also saying you are committed to safeguarding. Please read this article [1] on Forbes which raises, yet more concerns about the behaviour of this Tech Giant, who seem more interested in profits than the welfare of users.

1 Forbes Article

Enough said, users deserve better, people need to be treated like people and not as data sources for exploitation, manipulation.


#DeleteFacebook,#Joinmastodon,#Welfare,#Exploitation,#Data, #MentalHealth,#YearOfTheFediverse

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Anxiety: Supporting Teens to Support Themselves

As well as looking for work, I am also trying to take any opportunity to learn new skills. The Creative Education courses are really good for this.

So to day I completed “Anxiety: Supporting Teens to Support Themselves” which, as with the course I did last week, has lots of really good useful hints and tips on how to help teenagers cope with anxiety, how we as adults can help, but also reflect on our own experience which can feed in to how we can help.

The important take away from this is, that adults, we can listen, re-assure and use many techniques and strategies to help. By understanding how a person is feeling, we can adjust our strategy.

Course also covered how sleep can play a part in this, how lack of sleep can cause issue, how we can make stress and anxiety manageable by looking at what works for the young person we are trying to help.

Also looked at how we can empower young people to take control and self manage, or if there is a situation that is out of their full control.

So another really useful course, if there is another 'free for a week course' next week, I will sign up to that too.

These courses may also be useful in other work too, perhaps at code club or even when helping or working with adults.

I am also interested in Space, astronomy and space sciences, so I think going forward Mental Health of Astronauts may be a very interesting field, being on the Moon is a short trip, getting to Mars, will be a longer, more dangerous journey, we need to look after the people that go on long space missions. Perhaps also look after their families back on Earth, especially children and young people who have family members on these missions.

Hopefully employers will appreciate my efforts to improve my skills and knowledge.




#CPD,#MentalHealth,#CreativeEducation,#LookingForWork, #Training,#Anxiety

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Success is an iceburg

This was posted on Twitter on Saturday. Credit as follows

There's a big difference between what people can see and what's going on below the surface.

Sketchnote by @sylviaduckworth


I agree the points being raised here, people never seem to see what is going on under the surface.


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