Libreoffice 7.2
LibreOffice 7.2 is out, along with a video highlighting the new features
Mastodon post (embed)
Video – direct on Peertube
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GoDot Conference 2021
Event : GoDot game engine conference
Date : 23rd January 2021
Posted by:-
Debian GNU+Linux info
godot3/stable 3.0.6-2 amd64
Full 2D and 3D game engine with editor
godot3-runner/stable 3.0.6-2 amd64
Godot game engine run-time
godot3-server/stable 3.0.6-2 amd64
Headless Godot game engine run-time
golang-github-gobuffalo-envy-dev/stable 1.6.4-1 all
simplify working with ENV variables
golang-github-joho-godotenv-dev/stable 1.2.0+git20180115.6bb0851-1 all
Go port of Ruby's dotenv library
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Tex Live 2020
TeXLive2020 available today 10/4/2020
TeX Live is an easy (we hope) way to get up and running with the TeX document production system. It provides a comprehensive TeX system with binaries for most flavours of Unix, including GNU/Linux, macOS, and also Windows. It includes all the major TeX-related programs, macro packages, and fonts that are free software, including support for many languages around the world. Many operating systems provide it via their own distributions.
As I am now using LaTeX for more documents. I have decided to download the TeX Live iso as this is a useful resource to have.
TeXLive is about 3.3gb in total.
I will have a copy of TeXLive 2020. However due to covid-19 physical meetups are off for a few months. I will however endeavour to have a copy for the Tech Jam when it starts up again, hopefully later in 2020.
I can also be contacted in #latex IRC channel on Freenode
#LaTeX, #CTAN, #Linux, #Mac, #Windows, #Typesetting, #download
You can find me on Friendica at

Licenced under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
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Tex Live 2019
As I am now using LaTeX for more documents. I have decided to download the TeX Live iso as this is a useful resource to have.
TeXLive is about 3.3gb in total. But is handy to have, for the resources, and different installers for Linux, Mac, Windows etc.
TeXLive2020 should be available later this year.
I will have a copy of TeXLive 2019 for the next South Devon Tech Jam in case anyone is interested.
#LaTeX, #CTAN, #Linux, #Mac, #Windows, #Typesetting, #download
You can find me on Friendica at

Licenced under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
AI statement : Consent is NOT granted to use the content of this blog for the purposes of AI training or similar activity. Consent CANNOT be assumed, it has to be granted.