Paul Sutton


Libreoffice 7.2

LibreOffice 7.2 is out, along with a video highlighting the new features

Mastodon post (embed)

Video – direct on Peertube



#LibreOffice72,#Features,#Release,#Linux,#Mac,#Windows,#Video, #Peertube

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LibreOffice Introduction

This video (not by me) is on Youtube. Explains the new features found in LibreOffice 7.

I am putting together, some videos on undertaking basic tasks in LibreOffice Writer. These are on my dedicated LibreOffice blog.


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LibreOffice Introduction

This video (not by me) is on Youtube. Explains the new features found in LibreOffice 7.


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I found a link to this on Friendica social network. This looks at features which will be in the upcoming release of Linuxmint 20.

The link to the Tec Robust article can be found here worth a read if you are using Mint.

Looks like there will be updates to some of the default Apps, as well as Mint 20 being shipped with Cinnamon 4.4. It also looks like there is a new LXDE 4 which is the Debiab edition.

#Linux, #Mint, #20, #Release, #features, #tecrobust, #preview

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