Paul Sutton


Liberoffice 7 Impress – Text formatting tool bar

By default libreoffice 7 impress does not display tools for text formatting on the toolbar.

Text Formatting Tools

To fix this, you need to

Click View —> Tool bars —> Text Formatting

And the tool will be displayed

View tool bars menu

Video below illustrates process

#libreoffice7,#impress,#display,#text,#formatting,toolbar, #help,#support.

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LibreOffice Introduction

This video (not by me) is on Youtube. Explains the new features found in LibreOffice 7.

I am putting together, some videos on undertaking basic tasks in LibreOffice Writer. These are on my dedicated LibreOffice blog.


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LibreOffice Introduction

This video (not by me) is on Youtube. Explains the new features found in LibreOffice 7.


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