Paul Sutton


Black Hole Tears Star to Shreds, Unleashing Cosmic Shockwaves

Black Hole Tears Star to Shreds, Unleashing Cosmic Shockwaves

This is interesting, I will add a link to NICER (see article) to the links page.

Black holes seem really complex, and there is probably much more to learn. It is also worth watching the two videos as a further explainer to the research and the resulting paper.

So this is looking at a black hole, and how it is interacting with a local star trapped within its gravitational pull, As the star is pulled apart, some of the matter becomes a disk around the black hole, however this matter is then also interacting with another star.

If I understand the paper or at least article, this event links tidal disruption events * and quasi-periodic eruptions, helping astronomers understand black hole environments and shape future research

  • The above link is to Wikipedia, as this is NOT an academic source of information, please use a different source, link is for reference only

On an unrelated note, according to the Solar System series by Professor Brian COX, Rings have formed around planets when an object such as an asteroid gets caught in the gravitational pull of the planet, Moons are also objects that have been caught up.

I am not sure if the two phenomenons are related in that stars being ripped apart by a black hole are a similar event, just on a much larger scale.

According to MIT there have been other similar events detailed here




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A DIY Guide to Supermassive Black Holes

A nice guide posted to the fediverse with a guide to black holes.



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A Giant Black Hole Destroyed a Star and Threw the Pieces into Space

I am sharing this 'as-is' the original fediverse post text is quoted below along with a link to the article.

A pair of X-ray telescopes have observed the messy aftermath of a star that came too close to a supermassive black hole 290 million light-years away. It's believed that the star had three times the mass of the Sun, so this was one of the largest tidal disruption events ever seen. Although the black hole consumed some of the star, most of its guts were thrown into the surrounding space, polluting the region with the chemicals that allowed astronomers to estimate its stellar mass.



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Possible Wormhole detection method

Another article posted to Mastodon, this time on the detection of wormholes. I think the idea they could be masquerading as black holes actually makes some sense. I seem to remember one theory that a worm hole was two black holes connected together.

 Scientists in Bulgaria may have figured out how to detect wormholes

Turns out they might be masquerading as black holes 

A team of researchers at the University of Sofia in Bulgaria may have figured out a novel method for detecting wormholes — assuming, of course, they exist at all.

I have also included a link to science forums to start a conversation on there too.

There isn't any maths in the article, which is just as well as some of the maths for this stuff looks mindbogglingly complicated.




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Active galaxies Review

So following on from the post on December 1st this is a quick review of the active galaxies lecture from the Space Telescope Science Institute.

This lecture, presented by Dr Mitchell Revalski, is really interesting, looking at how supermassive black holes, despite their small size compared to the galaxy they reside in.

Energy from these can push away surrounding gas, and heat this up which reduces star formation as gas needs to cool to form stars.

so scales are pretty huge:

First lets look at what a light year is

Citation :

For most space objects, we use light-years to describe their distance. A light-year is the distance light travels in one Earth year. One light-year is about 6 trillion miles (9 trillion km). That is a 6 with 12 zeros behind it! 

1 pc = 1 parsec = 3.26 light years

Supermassive black hole < 1pc

Bulge = 1 = 3 kpc (kilo parsec)

disk 30 kpc

circumgalactic area 50kpc

So even though these black holes are very small, they have a big influence on what surrounds them.

We know this is happening thanks to the research that led to the 2020 Nobel prize.

Well worth watching and the link is above.

Next lecture 19th Jan – The Darkest Secrets of the Universe Speaker: Raja Guhathakurta (UC Santa Cruz)

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Building Black Holes in a Lab

This is a really interesting video from PBS Space Time.

So if Black holes leak away mass via Hawking Radiation, does this mean that as white holes also exist, and expel matter rather than suck matter in. then are they also contributing to a mass reduction. This probably assumes the theory that there is a white hole at the other end of the Black hole, otherwise it raises questions as to where does all that matter go?

Further Study

Coursera offer several Physics Courses


Further discussion

A thread asking about black hole mass loss via white holes can be found on Science Forums here if anyone would like to contribute to the conversation.


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