I had to attend a meeting using teams earlier, it got cancelled, so despite just loading up the lobby room in the browser, it still leaves cookies behind. The concern is the size here.,
Cookies left behind by MS Teams
Contrast this to the small amount of data that big blue button needs for a session, much smaller.
Cookies left behind by Big Blue Button
I will leave this with people. In the meantime Big Blue Button is a viable, secure, safe, easy to use and privacy respecting, open source alternative.
On an end note it seems Edge also 'leaks' information on sites visited.
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EU tech sector fights for a Level Playing Field with Microsoft
This was posted to Mastodon earlier, I am sharing to help raise awareness of the lawsuit. Also included below some links to alternative cloud solutions. Note: Disroot now uses a Cryptpad installation for some of their services.
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AI statement : Consent is NOT granted to use the content of this blog for the purposes of AI training or similar activity. Consent CANNOT be assumed, it has to be granted.
Since Microsoft's acquisition of Github. Quite a few free software projects have moved off the Github platform.
There are alternatives such as Notabug or Debian Salsa that offer a better alternative.
I have now downloaded most of my projects off github in zip format. These can be stored locally or in the cloud until needed.
Some projects will be kept on github, for example media file hosting media for here, until I can find / setup an alternative. I will also keep my Scratch projects on there as they are linked to from the Scratch Ed website. It makes it easier for others.
Given that most of my projects are either complete or abandoned having not been touched for some time. This is an opportunity for a clear out.
My project to collect screenshots for Dis'root have already been moved to Debian Salsa.
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