Paul Sutton


A few years ago, Linux Voice published a really simple IRC bot project in the magazine. I took this and managed to get it to connect to a minecraft Pi game and I could use IRC to send instructions to the game.

In the screenshot below the bot has received an instruction to execute uname -a and the output is directed to the game screen.


To get all this to work you need:-

  • An IRC client
  • A raspberry pi which should be running Minecraft Pi and the python program, once the game has started the bot should connect.

You also need to connect to either:-

  • An existing IRC server or
  • Your own irc server, which can be another Raspberry Pi on the same network running an IRC server.

note You need to ask if it is Ok to connect bots to IRC servers.

In my code it is connecting to a Raspberry Pi (original model) running an IRC server.

It does work, but there is probably potential here for expansion and improvement.


#python, #development, #irc, #application, #minecraft, #network,#sockets #irc, #project,#abandonware,#github

Have fun.

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A few years ago, I wrote a Python script (probably badly) that created a TkInter graphical user interface, that would link to some of the Minecraft Pi API functionality. The idea being that a few common commands, would be available at the touch of a widget button.


The program is pretty basic. It may, be useful to someone out there, at least a starting point. I have therefore put the project back on GitHub.

I am happy for someone to fork and or take over the project or contribute further. I can be found on IRC (freenode) as zleap.


#python, #development, #tkimter, #application, #minecraft, #graphicaluserinterface, #gui, #project,#abandonware,#guthub

You can find me on Friendica at

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Licenced under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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AI statement : Consent is NOT granted to use the content of this blog for the purposes of AI training or similar activity. Consent CANNOT be assumed, it has to be granted.

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