Game developer business sim City Game Studio gets a big update
This game looks interesting, esp as you can start off with 70's retro technology and work up.
#GodotEngine #Simulation #NewRelease #IndieGame #Steam
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Rust on RISC-V BL602: Simulated with WebAssembly
Another useful resource found. The subject matter is a little too compex for me but it may be of interest to others. It will appear back on Mastodon too.
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Chemistry Help
I came across this website on the Fediverse as part of a thread on science. I had a look and it appears to be something could really help anyone studying Chemistry
A discussion that mentioned Atomic Orbitals led me to this page on the above website. This site has some nice simulations of topics that are included in the A'level Chemistry Syllabus.
There is also a website with a nice forum on science that I found too. This has a section on Chemistry and then sub forums for Organic, Inorganic and Physical chemistry.
$\LaTeX$ may also be of interest to Chemistry students as you can type set Chemical Formulae etc.
In a sort of related topic, I found a useful site that gives tips on technical writing, I am familiar with some of the ideas presented here, well mostly Constructivism by Jerome Bruner from studying the Supporting Learning in Primary Schools course with the Open University.
I am trying to follow some of this idea when writing instructional blog posts. Provide information on how I do things but put quite a lot of emphasis on the reader actually going away and researching topics. Everyone's system and circumstances are different.
#science, #chemistry, #study, #alevel, #help, #support, #websites, #forum, #simulation.
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