Paul Sutton


Organic Chemistry Modelling 6

We are now going to build the 4th row of molecules in the infographic below.

Functional groups

I have built the models I can, I only have Sulfur atoms with 2 and 4 holes, so building some of these requires six bonds. I can therefore build and photograph them, but will leave the label in place.

Sulfoxide Sulfoxide

Sulfone Sulfone

Sulfinic Acid Sulfinic Acid

Sulfonic Acid Sulfonic Acid

Sulfonate Ester Sulfonate Ester

Thiocyanate Thiocyanate

Isothiocyanate Isothiocyanate

Thial Thial

Thioketone Thioketone

Phosphine Phosphine



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Organic Chemistry Modelling 5

We are now going to build the 3rd row of molecules in the infographic below.

Functional groups

Nitroso Nitroso

Imine Imine

Imide Imide

Azide azide

Cyanate Cyanate

Iso-Cynate Iso cyanate

Azo Compound Azocompound

Thiol Thiol

Sulfide Sulfide

Disulfide DiSulfide



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Organic Chemistry Modelling 4

We are now going to build the 2nd row of molecules in the infographic below.

Functional groups

Acyl Halide Acyl Halide

Ester Ester

Ether Ether

Epoxide Epoxide

Amine Amine

Amide Amide

Nitrate Nitrate

Nitrite Nitrite

Nitrile Nitrile

Nitro Nitro



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Organic Chemistry Modelling 3

So on to building models of the functional groups in the infographic on Compound Chemistry.

Ethane Alkanes

Ethane Alkene

Ethane Alkyne

Ethane Arene

Alcohol Haloalkane

Alcohol Alcohol

Ethane Alderhyde

Ethane Ketone

Ethane Carboxylic Acid

Ethane Acid Anhydride



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Organic Chemistry Modelling 2

I have started to build some common functional groups and related molecules. Here we have the Basic HydroCarbon Benzine ( C6 H6, by adding the OH (Alcohol) functional group we get Phenol (2nd picture). ( C6 H5 OH ).



We looked at basic Alkanes yesterday, if we take,for example Methane ( CH4 ) we can replace a Hydrogen with a OH group (Oxygen + Hydrogen) to make methanol. ( CH3 OH)


Functional groups



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Organic Chemistry Modelling

I have been building some organic Chemistry models with Molymods, starting with the first 10 alkanes.

Methane Ethane Propane Butane Pentane hexane heptane octane nonane decane

The order of these are

  1. Methane
  2. Ethane
  3. Propane
  4. Butane
  5. Pentane
  6. Hexane
  7. Heptane
  8. Octane
  9. Nonane
  10. Decane

So going from top to bottom, you get an indication of the number of Carbon atoms in the chain. So 1 for Methane and 10 for Decane.

The general rule is CnH2n+2 BBC Bitesize.

You can find an infographic on organic compound naming on Compound Chemistry



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Organic Chemistry 6: Benzene Derivatives in Organic-Chemistry

So as an extension to yesterdays post Compound chemistry have an infographic on Benzine derivatives.

Benzine Derivatives

So once you have made a Benzine molecule, this can be easily modified to some of what is presented here.


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Organic Chemistry: 5 Phenyl Group

As Polystyrene Contains a C6H5 Phenyl group. Before moving on to building this, we can look at similar molecules that also contain this group.

Video should show making of the above compounds with Molymod components.

Tomorrow, I will post a follow up on more benzene based molecules to build. So please keep hold of the C6H6 Benzine model.

If you would like any further help with chemistry (or any other science subject) then I have found ScienceForums to be a very useful, friendly and educational forum.

#chemistry,#organic,#Phenyl,#molymod,#modelling, #lookingforwork,

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Organic Chemistry 4 : Plastics

Previous post

Moving on lets have a look at:-

I have built this using Molymods in the video below, Just imagine that the rest of the white atoms (hydrogen from previous video) are in fact green, Chlorine atoms.

You may find Molview helpful for visualising molecules on your computer screen too. This could complement physical building which I find can help understanding further.

I will post a few more videos showing the other molecules in that section of the infographic.


#chemistry,#organic,#compoundchemistry,#modeling,#molymod, #education,#plastics,#Polytetrafluoroethylene,#Polytetrafluroethene #monomer,#polymer

**Note: ** Polytetrafluoroethylene. It appears that Polytetrafluroethylene and Polytetrafluroethene are the same molecule, with different spellings depending on if you're using US or GB English.

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Organic Chemistry 3 Plastics

Following on from organic-chemistry-2 we have had a look at Alcohols. So will now turn some attention to plastics.

So again we can construct models of plastics in a similar way, the main difference here is that plastics are POLYMERS, which are MONOMERS chained together.

Mono – Single Poly – Multiple

Common plastics

So looking at the above you will notice that they are using n to indicate there is more than 1 in the chain.

So starting with ${C2H2}$ or Ethene, this becomes Polyethene when more monomers are added to the chain.

So in the video below, I construct Ethene and then, in the spirit of Blue Peter, I am then using a few more I made earlier.

You may find Molview helpful for visualising molecules on your computer screen too. This could complement physical building which I find can help understanding further.

I will post a few more videos showing the other molecules in that section of the infographic.

#chemistry,#organic,#compoundchemistry,#modeling,#molymod, #education,#plastics,#polyethene,#ethene,#monomer,#polymer

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