Paul Sutton


Grapejuice error

Grapejuice is an application for LinuxMint that allows users to install and run Robox. I have been having problems with this since Wednesday 21st Feb 2024.

Just re-installed Grapejuice from the software manager, it tried to re-install Roblox and came up with a dialogue with the following error.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/app/lib/python3/dist-packages/grapejuice/cli/", line 79, in wrapper
    return_value = fn(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/app/lib/python3/dist-packages/grapejuice/cli/", line 77, in studio
  File "/app/lib/python3/dist-packages/grapejuice_common/abstraction/", line 55, in launch_studio
    _with_prefix_id(prefix_id, lambda prefix: prefix.roblox.run_roblox_studio(ide=True))
  File "/app/lib/python3/dist-packages/grapejuice_common/abstraction/", line 48, in _with_prefix_id
    prefix.roblox.install_roblox(post_install_function=lambda: cb_wrapper(prefix))
  File "/app/lib/python3/dist-packages/grapejuice_common/wine/", line 67, in install_roblox
  File "/app/lib/python3/dist-packages/grapejuice_common/wine/", line 511, in run_exe
    return do_run_exe(
  File "/app/lib/python3/dist-packages/grapejuice_common/logs/", line 13, in wrapper
    result = func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/app/lib/python3/dist-packages/grapejuice_common/wine/", line 170, in do_run_exe
  File "/app/lib/python3/dist-packages/grapejuice_common/abstraction/", line 48, in <lambda>
    prefix.roblox.install_roblox(post_install_function=lambda: cb_wrapper(prefix))
  File "/app/lib/python3/dist-packages/grapejuice_common/abstraction/", line 42, in cb_wrapper
  File "/app/lib/python3/dist-packages/grapejuice_common/abstraction/", line 55, in <lambda>
    _with_prefix_id(prefix_id, lambda prefix: prefix.roblox.run_roblox_studio(ide=True))
  File "/app/lib/python3/dist-packages/grapejuice_common/wine/", line 250, in run_roblox_studio
    launcher_path = self.roblox_studio_launcher_path
  File "/app/lib/python3/dist-packages/grapejuice_common/wine/", line 120, in roblox_studio_launcher_path
    return self.locate_roblox_executable("RobloxStudioLauncherBeta.exe")
  File "/app/lib/python3/dist-packages/grapejuice_common/wine/", line 114, in locate_roblox_executable
    raise RobloxExecutableNotFound(executable_name)
grapejuice_common.errors.RobloxExecutableNotFound: Roblox executable 'RobloxStudioLauncherBeta.exe' could not be found!

So I am sharing here with the view someone can maybe help see where the issue is.

From the menu Roblox App runs

/usr/bin/flatpak run —branch=stable —arch=x86_64 —command=grapejuice net.brinkervii.grapejuice app

so putting this in to a terminal window, usually runs the command but any output is also viewable

$ /usr/bin/flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 --command=grapejuice net.brinkervii.grapejuice app
[INFO] grapejuice/root:- Log level was set to 'INFO'
[INFO] grapejuice/root:- The log file is stored at '~/.var/app/[REDACTED]/data/grapejuice/logs/2024-02-22_14-41-31_grapejuice.log'
[INFO] grapejuice/common_prepare:- Using locale directory /app/share/locale
[INFO] grapejuice/root:- Log level was set to 'INFO'
[INFO] grapejuice/root:- Log level was set to 'INFO'
[INFO] grapejuice/root:- The log file is stored at '~/.var/app/[REDACTED]/data/grapejuice/logs/2024-02-22_14-41-31_grapejuice.log'
[INFO] grapejuice/root:- The log file is stored at '~/.var/app/[REDACTED]/data/grapejuice/logs/2024-02-22_14-41-31_grapejuice.log'
[INFO] grapejuice/common_prepare:- Using locale directory /app/share/locale
[INFO] grapejuice/common_prepare:- Using locale directory /app/share/locale
Gtk-Message: 14:41:31.856: Failed to load module "xapp-gtk3-module"
[INFO] grapejuice/ Finding app prefix
[INFO] grapejuice/ Finding app prefix
[INFO] grapejuice/ Edge update: None
[INFO] grapejuice/ Edge update: None
[INFO] grapejuice/ Edge update M: None
[INFO] grapejuice/ Edge update M: None
[INFO] grapejuice/ Writing flags for to: ~/.var/app/[REDACTED]/data/grapejuice/prefixes/player/drive_c/users/[REDACTED]/AppData/Local/Roblox/Versions/version-de4af066788f46c6/ClientSettings/ClientAppSettings.json
[INFO] grapejuice/ Writing flags for to: ~/.var/app/[REDACTED]/data/grapejuice/prefixes/player/drive_c/users/[REDACTED]/AppData/Local/Roblox/Versions/version-de4af066788f46c6/ClientSettings/ClientAppSettings.json
[INFO] grapejuice/ Writing flags for to: ~/.var/app/[REDACTED]/data/grapejuice/prefixes/player/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Roblox/Versions/version-2355c01e37774010/ClientSettings/ClientAppSettings.json
[INFO] grapejuice/ Writing flags for to: ~/.var/app/[REDACTED]/data/grapejuice/prefixes/player/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Roblox/Versions/version-2355c01e37774010/ClientSettings/ClientAppSettings.json
[INFO] grapejuice/ Prepared environment for wine
[INFO] grapejuice/ Prepared environment for wine
[INFO] grapejuice/ Resolved exe path to ~/.var/app/[REDACTED]/data/grapejuice/prefixes/player/drive_c/users/[REDACTED]/AppData/Local/Roblox/Versions/version-de4af066788f46c6/RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe
[INFO] grapejuice/ Resolved exe path to ~/.var/app/[REDACTED]/data/grapejuice/prefixes/player/drive_c/users/[REDACTED]/AppData/Local/Roblox/Versions/version-de4af066788f46c6/RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe
[INFO] grapejuice/ PRIME environment variables: {}
[INFO] grapejuice/ PRIME environment variables: {}
[INFO] grapejuice/ Using Wine home '/app/patched_wine'
[INFO] grapejuice/ Using Wine home '/app/patched_wine'
[INFO] grapejuice/ Resolving wine binary for prefix ~/.var/app/[REDACTED]/data/grapejuice/prefixes/player
[INFO] grapejuice/ Resolving wine binary for prefix ~/.var/app/[REDACTED]/data/grapejuice/prefixes/player
[INFO] grapejuice/ Using Wine home '/app/patched_wine'
[INFO] grapejuice/ Using Wine home '/app/patched_wine'
[INFO] grapejuice/ Resolved wine binary path: /app/patched_wine/bin/wine
[INFO] grapejuice/ Resolved wine binary path: /app/patched_wine/bin/wine
[INFO] grapejuice/ Running exe RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe
[INFO] grapejuice/ Running exe RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe
[INFO] grapejuice/ Opening log fds
[INFO] grapejuice/ Opening log fds
[INFO] grapejuice/ Running process synchronously
[INFO] grapejuice/ Running process synchronously
[INFO] grapejuice/ Closing fds
[INFO] grapejuice/ Closing fds
[INFO] grapejuice/grapejuice_common.logs.log_vacuum:- Removing empty log file: ~/.var/app/[REDACTED]/data/grapejuice/logs/2024-02-22_14-41-32_RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe_stdout.log
[INFO] grapejuice/grapejuice_common.logs.log_vacuum:- Removing empty log file: ~/.var/app/[REDACTED]/data/grapejuice/logs/2024-02-22_14-41-32_RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe_stdout.log

The only indication of an issue seems to be here

Gtk-Message: 14:41:31.856: Failed to load module "xapp-gtk3-module"

Again just sharing this as it makes it easier to ask for help



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Writefull is a plug-in for Google Chrome designed to complement the cloud based Overleaf LaTeX editor by facilitating the checking of your document for errors such as grammar and spelling.

You can read more about this here

This is a really valuable tool if you are involved in writing academic texts, as it designed for that level of text processing in mind. However it is a welcome tool if you're using Overleaf in general.


#LaTeX, #overleaf, #writefull, #typesetting, #spelling, #grammar, #error, #checking, #academic, #text, #textprocessing

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Youtube-dl out of date

The youtube-dl tool on Debian 10 is out of date, it seems even the sid version is behind, by a good few months.

After some searching I have found a way to fix this.

Please note you need to do you OWN RESEARCH in to fixing this. I am not responsible for loss or problems caused by following what I have put here.

Firstly I was getting the following error

youtube-dl [youtube] 0JSHubLg7NE: Downloading webpage [youtube] 0JSHubLg7NE: Downloading video info webpage ERROR: 0JSHubLg7NE: YouTube said: This video is unavailable.

The webpage here was a little helpful


In providing an explanation and some fixes.

Firstly on Debian the internal update option is disabled so

youtube-dl -U

Won't work, reading further this seems to download the latest version

While the above instructions worked for me, The old version was still installed, this needs to be removed so doing this before hand may help.

However if you want to check the current version before removing you can use:

youtube-dl —version

Then remove with:

apt remove youtube-dl -

The instructions

wget -O /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl

You will still need to change the permissions as per above website. I am not repeating them here, you need to read up.

However – Debian appears to expect youtube-dl to be in /usr/bin.

The above solution downloads to /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl, you can either put in the path manually when running as in:


Which gets rather tedious to keep doing that.

In order to get round this, I have copied the binary to where Debian wants it

cp /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl /usr/bin/youtube-dl

Which seems to work for me, but is probably the wrong way to go about doing this.

You can now find the version that is now installed by using

youtube-dl —version


Hopefully this is useful. You need to do your own research but the problem is fixable.

Once you have upgraded you can download youtube videos in the normal way with youtube-dl.

#debian, #youtube-dl, #error, #fix, #solution, #gnu, #linux

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