Paignton Library STEM Group


I have now set up a Minetest server on a Raspberry Pi. This works and I am able to ssh in to the Pi and start remotely.


I have also set up a 3.5” Pi screen, set the pi to auto login and display the IP address(s) of the Pi. I followed some of the instructions at [2],[3] to set up the screen but didn't need the sections for setting up the gui.

The next step is to set up a router so try and provide an internal network at the library for playing minetest. I followed so

  1. Minetest
  2. 3.5 Inch RPi Display Touch – XPT2046 (480x320) Guide – Raspberry Pi Forums part 1
  3. pi 3 – What have you done to make generic TFT touchscreen display work? – Raspberry Pi Stack Exchange part 2

Should be able to bring some of this to the STEM Group on Saturday and probably need help setting up the router to provide a simple LAN.




Happy Hardware freedom day 2024

HFD is a global celebration of Free and Open Source Hardware (FOSH). Our mission for this celebration is to enlighten the public worldwide about the advantages of using high-quality FOSH in education, government, at home and in business — essentially, for all conceivable applications! The non-profit group Hardware Freedom International spearheads HFD on an international scale, offering resources, giveaways and a platform for collaboration. However, it's the volunteer teams across the globe that tailor the local HFD events to make a lasting impact within their communities.

This year, hardware freedom day takes place on April 20, 2024

A few related links


Matrix Beginner guide

Matrix is “An open network for secure, decentralised communication” We have some rooms on Matrix which you can access via the contact page.

If you are not sure what Matrix is, please check the video below, which gives a beginner introduction.

Other links




Climate Change Research

A link to this was posted to the Fediverse today. So I am sharing here as it is still Science related.

The Kibo laboratory module from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (comprised of a pressurized module and exposed facility, a logistics module, a remote manipulator system and an inter-orbit communication system unit) pictured as the International Space Station orbits over the southern Pacific Ocean east of New Zealand.
Credits: NASA


What is Space-Time?

So back to some Physics videos, what is space-time?: This video does a really nice job of explaining this in a way that is understandable, but not so simple it loses any meaning.

I have included links to wondorium below, as well as links to the usual discussion forums.




How to Assess Peer Review Quality

Useful article on 'How to Assess Peer Review Quality'. This was posted to the Fediverse, EASE Important topic, you can read the article here on Google docs.




Wave / Particle Duality

Another two videos from minute physics, explaining the idea that something can exist as a particle and a wave. |



minute physics, * Matrix * Science Forums.




Lego Locks

This is cool and interesting, making locks from Lego. Great way to learn about the engineering principles behind locks and keys. I found a link to this on Fediverse (Mastodon) earlier, so am sharing.




STEM Group 13th April 2024 Write Up

We had a quiet session today so we were busy getting two computers installed with Windows 8, and another dual booting Windows XP and Windows 8. This went really well, after installing the OS we installed some applications that we want to use during sessions.

stem 1 stem 2

We spent the latter ½ of the event trying to sort out Wi-Fi as one of the computers lost connection, we ended in the IT suits, using the e-machines as a Wi-Fi hotspot (bridge to library Wi-Fi) so the Lenovo could connect properly.

We really DO need a reliable solution for this.

At some point we should be able to get a multi-player mine test game going as we have access to a server.


The next Stem group event will take place on :

Date: Saturday, April 27th 2024 Time: 10:30am to 15:00 Location: Paignton Library and Information Centre Room: 13 & IT Learning Centre

What is planned?

  • Run through of Lego Robot presentation
  • Run through of model car presentation
    • This is so that we can ensure when we do the actual presentations we are able to.
