Paignton Library STEM Group


What is Space-Time?

So back to some Physics videos, what is space-time?: This video does a really nice job of explaining this in a way that is understandable, but not so simple it loses any meaning.

I have included links to wondorium below, as well as links to the usual discussion forums.




Wave / Particle Duality

Another two videos from minute physics, explaining the idea that something can exist as a particle and a wave. |



minute physics, * Matrix * Science Forums.




Baryon Acoustic Oscillations

This was posted to the Fediverse earlier today, YouTube video to explain how acoustics are helping unlock more cosmological secrets.

This animation shows how baryon acoustic oscillations act as a cosmic ruler for measuring dark energy.

Credit: Claire Lamman/DESI collaboration

Related Links




Dark stars

'Dark stars': Dark matter may form exploding stars, and observing the damage could help reveal what it's made of

More research into Dark Stars. In this instance, the research is looking at whether exploding stars are linked to the formation of Dark matter.





Positronium is a particle that has no actual nucleus, but has a positive (positron) and negative (electron) particle. The positron is antimatter as it has the opposite charge to an electron, which is negatively charged.

Scientists have found a way to freeze the particle with lazers, which will allow further study.

You can read a little more on the BBC Website. While the research was published in Physical Review Letters.. Article can be found here




UK Nuclear fusion plant

Nuclear fusion plant to be built at West Burton A power station.

This sounds like a really exciting development and should hopefully help the UK take the lead in a clean and sustainable energy resource.

This is also an excellent reason, regardless of where you live to study STEM. While this plant is not due to start until 2040. This is only 18 years away, so if you are heading in to year 7, then by the time you have obtained a post graduate or other hi-tech qualification you should be employable within this industry.

**Video : Fuelling Fusion power]



#UK,#Energy,#NuclearFusion,#Physics,#UKAEA,#AtomicEnergy, #FuturePower
