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from Darkened underpass

八月下旬不到五天之間,買入了兩台二手的 Kindle paperwhite 5/ paperwhite 4。還沒認真地感受電子墨水的閱讀樂趣,又看到有人要出讓 6吋的小米電紙書閱讀器,價格只有四年前上市新品原價 1/5左右,趕緊快手搶入這台平價款電紙書閱讀器。

話說稍早在購入 Kindle 之前歷經一番電子書生態概況的洗禮,所謂的封閉與開放之間好像後者才符合更自由進步的色彩,但真是如此嗎? 字眼字面上好像如此,但實質實踐上就留待針酌。

這款 2020年左右上市的電紙書,號稱是開放平台,其作業系統架構為 Android 8.1,雖沒 google play,勉強可以自行手動安裝 apk。因為自己常用的 android 平板刷了Lineage OS 16 (等同 Android 8) 也沒 google store,故在適應上不成問題。

二手品上已有之前買家所安裝的懸浮球、google 注音輸入法,以及原生系統預裝的微信閱讀、京東讀書、掌閱精選等應用。微信閱讀據說是讀中國牆內網路小說的好工具,而後兩者則應是簡體書書商賣電子書的入口門戶。我自己用不到這幾款預設應用,找不到 root 把它們移除,就姑且放著。

直觀地比較它與同為 6” Kindle PW4的差異

一開始拿到小米電紙書時,不喜歡它偏影印紙”慘白”的背景色,但又無法將之調校為像 Kindle 偏書籍用紙(道林紙?)偏淡米黃的背景色。稍後才明白,前者(左)為 212ppi,後者(右)為 300ppi,原以為這差距沒什麼意義,但實物體驗,自己祼視盯小米一陣子之後,眼睛再轉頭看其它物品時,會覺得視網膜神經上映射的東西會出現了不圓滑的顆粒感 Orz,真心覺得用過 kindle paperwhite 就回不去了。

一開始試著安裝幾款慣用的 epub reader 軟體: FBreader, Lithium, Readera。雖然皆可順利在 MiReader 安裝使用,但這些是為了 android 彩色屏幕開發的軟體,在只有黑白的電子墨水屏幕呈現效果實在差強人意。而 Moon+ Reader 2023年10月之後的版本開始支援電子墨水,如果啟動該功能,則 Moon+ Reader 主題配色的就會強化黑白,不會雜入過多色彩干擾。此時就更能體會什麼叫做化繁為簡返擈歸真的道理,什麼花俏絃麗的主題配色在這裏都用不上了。因此最後僅保留了Moon+ Reader 靜讀天下來開啟 epub。

MiReader 自帶”多看(Doukan)” 閱讀軟體,整合了系統啟動桌面、書架管理、線上書城購買以及電子書閱讀等功能,換句話說,也能用它直接來看 epub 檔案,那為什麼還需要安裝其它的 epub reader 軟體呢?對我而言最主要是為了連接電腦上的 calibre library (透過 calibre content server) ,”多看”似乎找不到此功能的支援。這關乎如何把 epub 傳送到電紙書設備的方法、方便與否之課題。

除了用實體 USB type c 直接與電腦端連接後進行檔案文件的複製搬運移動外,Mireader 也仿效 sendtokindle 的雲端硬碟,可在小米的機子上登入百度網盤或小米雲盤,再從自己的雲端帳戶下載文件到機子上。我個人沒有這些中國網路服務啇帳號,無法試驗是否可以順利分享電子書檔案。雖無法直接把文件檔案上傳至網際網路在不同設備間分享檔案,但可透過 android/ linux 的區域無線網路協定,把本地同一網域中某台電腦的文件資料傳到小米電紙書,原生的”多看'閱讀軟體支援 Wlan,其透過瀏覽器介面上傳檔案,還蠻直覺簡單的,缺點就是此方法只能套用在同屬的無線網路存取( WiFi AP)底下本地區域網路中的電腦或設備。

另安裝了 Moon+ Reader,其支援 OPDS, Open Publication Distribution System 功能,若在電腦端啟動 calibre content server ,就可以透過訪問該電腦的 IP 8080 端口查看或下載 calibre library 裏頭的電子書。除雲端書庫外, Moon+ Reader 還可支援 dropbox, google drive, webDAV(因為登入帳號要做雙重驗證有點麻煩,這些就懶得試了),不用電子書商所提供的線上買書、訂閱,這台機子要閱讀私下收集來的 epub, pdf 還算方便吧???

市場份額少的開放式電紙書閱讀器,能在網路上找到的開箱介紹與使用心得不多,加減參考一下: – 小米電紙書的詳細規格介紹我為什麼會選擇小米電紙書當我的第一台電子書

#android, #littlethings


from Paul Sutton

Trojans Training 15/9/2024

Tor bay Trojans American Football Club Training

Date : Sunday 15th September 2024 Time : 10am to 13:00 Location; Foxhole Field, Bell field Road, Paignton


recruitment flyer Sept 2024




from Darkened underpass

之前用平板看電子書(愛機是2013年的 Samsung Tab 4 SM-t235y),整理電子書檔案的軟體是 Calibre,在 Android 機子常用的閱讀軟體是 FBreader, Lithium 。隨著年紀越長、身體器官機能退化,最明顯的就是老花、乾眼、飛蚊等眼睛毛病。為了減緩眼睛壓力,決心改用採電子墨水的電紙書閱讀器來取代螢幕發光的平板作為閱讀載具。

是的,電紙書閱讀器上市那麼多年(以第一台 Kindle 2007年上市為元年計),我居然還沒買入手,不知這是產品失敗還是我個人失敗。十多年來也不是沒起心動念,但很快被價格逼退放棄。

這回狠下心欲入手電紙書,開始認真地作點功課。手邊的電子書檔案多是標準 epub 格式,所以最擔心是否可順利地開啟讀取 epub 、如何開啟閱讀 epub .....。不查不知,原來在電紙書閱讀器的生態圈裏,可簡單劃分成兩種大類:一個是封閉式的如 Amazon kindle, 樂天 kobo;另一種則是開放體系。按我的理解,所謂封閉式最主要是電紙書閱讀器廠商是為了多推銷、提高自家電子書城銷量,希望透過賣硬體來推電子書,就像 Apple 靠 ipod 打開了 itune music 的市場地位,20世紀 90年在網路上賣實體書起家的 Amazon、日本樂天併購了加拿大的 Kobo 就是這一類。用戶買了他們家推出的電紙書閱讀器硬體,再順便到其線上書店買電子書,但買來的電子書只能在自己帳戶下的設備閱讀,無法轉出去在其它家廠牌的閱讀器觀看。

開放系統下的電紙書閱讀器則除了系統預設的應用與廠商的電子書服務外,還可以自行安裝其它閱讀軟體或檔案,也不會被綁在自家網路書店的帳戶下,不同書商帳戶之間可透過安裝其 app 相互支援。這類開放平台雖然兼容與自定性更高,但廠商多半從硬體起家,故自家的書本軟體市場可能也相對地單調、不足。我個人的需求拿硬體閱讀器是為了”看書”而不是買書(已收集一堆來源不明的 epub),這麼聽下來似乎開放系統比較適合?

起先的確想找開放平台的電紙書閱讀器,但繞好幾圈下來覺得後者的硬體產品價格偏高,畢竟封閉型廠商想以硬體折扣來搶佔硬體市場份額,販售出更多電子書才是他們的終級目的。Kindle, Kobo 兩大廠佔了電紙書閱讀器市場份額的七八成,剩下的才由幾家小品牌來分食搶奪。既然 Kindle, Kobo 出貨量高,出現在二手市場轉讓的頻率當然更多,而從未用過電紙書閱讀器的我,先找二手品對於預算有限是更合理的選擇。原來前面扯了半天封閉開放,最後還是要看價格.........

經過幾番波折,最後以 $3000入手一台二手 Kindle PaperWhite 5,了卻這幾週來汲汲於電紙書閱讀器的執念。原來沒事時一直死命研究消費品的款式機能差異與如何買到更具CP值的好物,這種精神上的執著才是消費主義的鴉片。目前手邊有二台(沒錯,PW5 還沒摸熟,又一個不小心再花900元買入二手 PW4。)

電腦硬碟裏存放的電子書檔案是主流 epub 格式,過去 Kindle 只能看 awz, mobi 格式的電子書,其它格式還要透過軟體轉檔另存,再放入機子。但現今已支援 epub 不必再自行轉檔,原來是利用 sent to kindle 功能,把各種檔案格式(PDF, DOC, DOCX, TXT, RTF, HTM, HTML, PNG, GIF, JPG, JPEG, BMP, EPUB) 透過瀏覽器或 app 送到自己在 amazon 的雲端空間帳號,在已向 Amazon 登記的 kindle 設備就可以下載來閱讀,有點像 dropbox 取代了隨身碟,不必再靠 USB 線連接電腦傳輪,這點還蠻方便的。

研究各家電紙書差異與各方勸敗文時,聽到一些人覺得買入電紙書閱讀器對他們而言是”相見恨晚”,那麼體驗 Kindle 使用近二星期,自己有何感想呢?自己算是有大量閱讀與買書的習慣,從實體書改成在平板閱讀 epub 轉換適應還蠻快的,十年前痛快地處理完自己百分之九十的書本後就投入 epub, pdf 的懷抱,除了偶而向圖書館借書外,幾乎不再讀實體書本。原以為 Kindle 再怎樣也不可能大量地衝高閱讀數量與時間,但沒想到居然還真的延長了我過去二週的閱讀時間,尤其是傍晚或晚上沒劇可追,就來讀書吧!想來主因只是”新鮮感”,更可能不久後它們就會被束之高閣或出現在二手市場?諷刺的是,在 Kindle 第一本從頭到尾讀完的電子書是簡體中文版的《The Diary of a Bookseller》、《Confession of a Bookseller》,中國出版商翻作《書店日記》、《書店四季》。在蘇格蘭經營二手書店的作者在書中表達了對 Amazon / Kindle 深深的恨意怨念........



from Paul Sutton

STSCI Public lecture – Sept 2024

NASA's Next Big Thing: The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope

Date: Tue 3 Sep 2024 Location: Virtual Time: 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM EDT

**Speaker: **Ori Fox (Space Telescope Science Institute)

More information can be found here

NASA's upcoming Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (Roman) is readying for launch in late 2026. Roman will be able to survey the sky 1,000 times faster than Hubble. It will collect near-infrared imaging and spectroscopic data with Hubble-quality resolution and sensitivity over fields of view 200 times greater than the Hubble's. Roman's data will enrich all areas of astrophysics by enabling studies of nearly every class of astronomical object, phenomenon, and environment across the observable universe. Dr. Fox will discuss the details of the Roman mission, with a focus on its scientific goals. These exciting studies include the discovery of thousands of new planets and pinpointing the source of a mysterious force called Dark Energy that permeates our Universe.

I will try and share some thoughts on my Matrix Science Room




from Paul Sutton

Jupyter Notebook & Jupyter Lab

Jupyter Notebook Complete Beginner Guide – From Jupyter to Jupyterlab, Google Colab and Kaggle!

Jupyter notebooks and python notebooks are an important tool for data science. If you want to learn about them this is the ultimate jupyter notebook guide made in 2022. In this tutorial I try to provide everything you need to know to get started with notebooks. Jupyter notebook, jupyter lab, google colab and kaggle notebooks are all covered! Rob Mulla wil guide you though this tutorial.




from Paul Sutton

Trojans Training 8/9/2024

Tor bay Trojans American Football Club Training

Date : Sunday 9th September 2024 Time : 10am to 13:00 Location; Foxhole Field, Bell field Road, Paignton




from Apex Pest Control Blogs

Wasp Behaviour

Wasp Behaviour: Important Knowledge for Efficient Pest Management

The Types of Wasps and Their Features

Common Kinds of Wasps There are more than thirty thousand species of wasps in the world. Paper wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets are a few species of wasps that are widely identified. These species are distinguished by their size, colour, and interactions with people.

Wasps Physical Features The physical structure of wasps varies among species, but they all have a characteristic of having two pairs of wings and a small waist that divides the thorax from the abdomen. Many of them feature vivid warning hues, such as black blended with red or yellow, to alert potential predators to their poisonous sting.

Geographical Distribution And Habitat Wasps are found all across the planet, although they are most prevalent in flower-bearing areas because they feed on nectar. They are found everywhere from private gardens to woodlands. Extreme conditions like as deserts and polar regions are generally avoided by them.

The Life Cycle of Wasp

The Life Stages Of A Wasp A typical wasp's life cycle consists of four stages: the egg, larva, pupa (cocoon), and adult. Each stage is crucial to the wasp's development.

Each Stage's Significance In The Wasp's Life Cycle Every stage has a purpose: Eggs indicate the start of a species; larvae concentrate on feeding and growing; pupae enable metamorphosis into adulthood within structures resembling cocoons; adults carry out reproductive tasks that ensure the species' continued existence.

Wasps Social Structure

The Queen Wasps Role Because she lays all of the eggs in a social colony after mating with drone (male) wasps, the queen wasp is essential.

Worker Wasps Role Worker females that take care of nest construction and upkeep instead of mating, as well as providing care for larvae and acting as defenders when needed.

Drone Wasps Role Male drone counterparts mostly help with reproduction; they die soon after mating season ends because they aren't equipped with stingers or other skills needed for other colony chores.

Wasp Nest Structure

Materials Used In Nest Construction Different kinds of wasps use different materials to build their nests; some, like paper wasps, use mud, while others shred wood into pulp.

The Nest Building Process Construction usually starts in the spring, when a queen starts modest and gradually expands them as her worker population grows.

Wasp Nest Types Different species create different kinds of nests. For example, paper wasps seek high areas and create open comb-like structures, while yellow jackets frequently choose to dig subterranean burrows. Large, closed nests that are usually affixed to trees or buildings are preferred by hornets.

Feeding Behaviour of Wasps

Food Types Consumed by Wasps Wasps eat everything. Larvae consume proteins from insects or spiders that labourers carry with them, and adult wasps mostly eat carbohydrates found in fruit juices, nectar, and, if accessible, leftover human food.

How Wasps Find Food And Hunt They grab and dismember animals using their razor-sharp mandibles, then bring the carcasses back to the nest where they feed the larvae.

Food's Function in Wasp Reproduction and Survival Food high in protein supports the growth of developing larvae, whereas adults mostly get their energy from carbs found in nectar, which are necessary for survival and reproduction.

Wasp Defence Mechanisms

Utilising Stingers Stingers are essential survival tools since they can be used for both immobilising animals while hunting and protecting against predators.

Wasp Venom And Its Impact Due to its mixture of poisonous components, such as histamine and acetylcholine, venom can cause discomfort and swelling in humans. It can also paralyse smaller animals, making it easier to capture them.

Alternative Defence Plans While some use smart camouflage, others put on menacing displays. Vibration mimicking deters potential assailants while buying you time to flee.

Interaction of Wasps with Humans

Typical Causes of Wasp Attacks Usually non-aggressive unless provoked, assaults happen when people unintentionally disturb their nest, triggering defensive mechanisms that result in a painful sting that may occur on several occasions for individual females, unlike bees.

How Not To Get Stung by Wasps The best avoidance technique keeps a safe distance, especially from nests, while silently monitoring and avoiding any unexpected movements that could provoke a defensive reaction. If unintentionally confronted, maintain your composure and gently back away to lessen the chance of getting stung.

How to Treat Wasp Stings Cleaning the area and using cold packs to minimise swelling are the first steps in immediate therapy. Over-the-counter medications such as antihistamines and painkillers are next in case of severe responses. Get medical help as soon as possible.

Wasps Role in the Ecosystem

Wasps As Pollinators Although they are not as effective as bees, wasps play an important role in ecosystem function by feeding on and aiding in plant reproduction, which helps spread pollen from blossom to flower.

Wasps As Pest Controllers Because they are predators and consume a wide variety of problem insects, wasps are important biocontrol agents that support the health of agriculture and the natural balance of ecosystems.

Wasp Effect on Biodiversity Their twin roles as pollinators and predators offer vital connections that improve biodiversity and resilience in ecological networks. They also indirectly affect plant and animal populations on a local and global scale, contributing to the preservation of biodiversity as a whole.

Recent Studies on Wasp Behaviour

Latest Research on Wasp Behaviour Recent research reveals sophisticated social behaviours in certain species that include cognitive capacities like facial recognition or observational learning, rekindling curiosity about more in-depth examination of their possible advantages.

Consequences Of These Results For People And The Environment These discoveries deepen our knowledge of wasp behaviour and offer insights into insect cognition, which may help build environmentally friendly and human-friendly sustainable pest management techniques.

Summary of Key Points

A Summary of Wasp Behaviour and Its Importance The interesting world of wasp behaviour is shaped by its unique life cycle, social structure, defence systems, and interactions with people. Despite people's frequent fear of them because of painful sting experiences, their significance is highlighted by their functions in pollination and pest management, which positively benefit ecosystems.

Concluding Remarks Regarding The Significance Of Recognising Wasp Behaviour Although they are regarded as nuisances because they can occasionally defend themselves aggressively when disturbed, acknowledging their important contributions helps promote a more balanced viewpoint that promotes responsible interactions and appreciation for these special, priceless creatures. Our response to them can be influenced by our understanding of their conduct, which can also serve as inspiration for further studies that may have positive ecological effects.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most common types of wasps? The most common types of wasps include yellow jackets, hornets, and paper wasps.

How does the life cycle of a wasp work? The life cycle includes four stages: egg, larva (when feeding occurs), pupa (where metamorphosis happens) and adulthood mainly dedicated to reproduction tasks.

What is the social structure within a typical wasp colony? Wasp colonies typically consist of one queen who lays all eggs; worker females who build/maintain nests feed larvae; drone males whose main role is mating with queens post which they die.

What roles do Wasps play in ecosystems? Wasps contribute as pollinators while feeding on nectar facilitating plant reproduction also acting as biocontrol agents preying on pest insects benefiting agricultural/natural habitats indirectly influencing biodiversity at multiple scales.

What should you do if stung by a Wasp? Cleanse sting site apply cold pack control swelling consider over-the-counter antihistamines painkillers but seek immediate medical attention if severe reaction symptoms appear including difficulty breathing excessive redness/swelling lasting several days nausea/dizziness/fainting spells etc., since this may indicate an allergic response necessitating professional care.


from Apex Pest Control Blogs

Wasp Nest Locations

Learning About Wasps

Wasps are a kind of insect distinguished by their narrow bodies and characteristic black and yellow stripes. They belong to the same order as ants and bees, the Hymenoptera. Because they use predation to manage pest populations, wasps are vital to ecosystems.

There are many different kinds of wasp species in the world, and they all have distinctive traits. Hornets, paper wasps, mud daubers, and yellowjackets are a few common ones. Each has unique nesting patterns that homeowners may find concerning to differing degrees.

Knowledge about Wasp Nests

The queen of a wasp colony deposits her eggs in a nest, where the young develop into adults who can defend themselves against predators or find food on their own. The main ingredients are worker wasp saliva and chewed wood pulp.

After overwintering, the process starts when the queen chooses a good location to construct her nest. She breaks down wood fibres into pulp, which she then uses to build paper-like cells in which to lay her eggs. These eggs eventually develop into worker wasps, which aid in the nest's expansion during the spring and summer.

Common Areas for Wasp Nests to Be Found

Depending on the species, trees and shrubs may be the preferred location for nesting since they provide excellent cover from predators and vantage points for viewing nearby food supplies like insects or nectar-producing flowers.

Because they are higher above the ground than other building overhangs, undereaves or other building overhangs shield buildings from weather-related elements like rain while also providing easy access inside homes if entrance points exist leading indoors, making human habitations potential sites to them, especially attics, loft spaces, voids within walls and even unused equipment stored outside.

Ground-nesting species like exposed ground areas with sandy soils, abandoned rat burrows, and outdoor items that offer overhead cover; upside-down garden pots are good examples of such locations.

What Determines the Location of Wasp Nests?

Where wasps choose to nest is mostly influenced by the availability of food. They search for places that ‌abound in their favourite food, which is usually insects or flowers that yield nectar.

Another important consideration is protection from predators, which is why many pick elevated areas like trees and overhanging structures to keep them safe from potentially dangerous ground-dwelling species.

Finally, the weather has an impact as well. In order to ensure their longevity by maximising temperature regulation within the colony, wasps prefer moderate settings with little extremes in temperature. As a result, they frequently make their nests in shaded regions during the warmer months and in sunny spots during the winter.

Identifying Wasp Nests

Early detection of a wasp nest might be achieved through visual recognition. In locations that are known to be preferred by these insects for nesting, keep an eye out for constructions composed of papery, grey or brown materials.

Increased wasp activity in certain areas is another telltale sign of possible nests nearby, especially if you observe them flying right into openings. tiny holes designating frequently used entrances and exits

Age-related variations in size and shape are common, but in general, one may anticipate circular formations that are larger than a golf ball and have the potential to expand into football-sized colonies or even larger as older colonies mature throughout the summer.

Precautions Concerning Wasp Nests

It's crucial to keep a safe distance in order to prevent defensive reactions that could result in stings, particularly when dealing with established large colonies that have many individuals capable of conducting coordinated attacks.

It is advisable to contact professional pest control experts for serious infestations or hard-to-reach areas because they have the necessary training tools and know how to handle a variety of pests, including those that are aggressive and require extra care.

Putting on protective gear such as gloves, long sleeve shirts, trousers, boots and face shields is a great way to reduce the chance of injury by preventing unintentional contact.

How to Get Rid of and Avoid Wasp Nest Problems in the Future?

Larger, more established nests should be left to professionals due to the risks involved, but if it's safe enough, homeowners can remove small, easily accessible nests themselves using commercially available products made specifically for that purpose. Just remember to carefully follow the instructions and ensure personal safety effectiveness treatment.

One way to prevent is to routinely check the property and locate possible nest places. preventing access sites like gaps and fissures, maintaining neat gardens, and eliminating attractants like food sources and leftover picnic supplies


Knowing typical places and being aware of wasp nesting practices are essential to handling any concerns that may arise. Being able to recognise nests early on allows one to take the appropriate safety measures before an issue gets out of hand. Even though handling them incorrectly could be perilous, expert assistance is easily accessible to guarantee a secure and effective removal procedure.

In the end, prevention is the best way to keep these hard-working insects at bay while honouring their essential role in preserving ecological balance through the natural pest management roles they serve.


What do wasp nests look like? They’re typically grey or brown and made from a papery substance. The size varies but expect anything larger than a golf ball.

Where do wasps usually build their nests? Common spots include trees, shrubs, under eaves or building overhangs and even inside homes in attics or wall voids. Some species prefer ground level sites too.

How can I prevent wasps from nesting on my property? Regular inspections for potential nesting sites along with prompt sealing of possible entrances into your home are effective preventive measures. Keep your garden tidy and remove any food sources that may attract them.

When should I call a professional to deal with a wasp nest? If you discover large established colonies especially in difficult-to-reach areas it’s safer and more effective hiring experts who possess the the adequate knowledge and equipment needed for such tasks.


from Ga79info


from win79auction99

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from Vstars79co

Soi kèo Cá cược MU vs Fulham, 02h00 ngày 17/08, Ngoại Hạng Anh 2024/2025 Soi kèo Cá cược trận MU vs Fulham, trong khuôn khổ đầu giải Ngoại Hạng Anh sẽ được diễn ra vào lúc 02h00 ngày 15/08. Nhà cái Vegas79 Empire – Vstars79 soi kèo cá cược, nhận định thông tin lực lượng, Đội hình dự kiến, dự đoán tỷ số MU vs Fulham hôm nay chính xác nhất. Xem kèo tại : Soi kèo trận MU vs Fulham Trong 5 lần chạm trán gần đây giữa MU và Fulham, Quỷ Đỏ đã chứng tỏ sức mạnh vượt trội với 4 chiến thắng và 1 trận hòa. Điều này cho thấy MU đang có lợi thế tâm lý lớn khi đối đầu với đội bóng này. Dẫu vậy, lịch sử không phải là yếu tố quyết định duy nhất. Fulham đã cho thấy khả năng tạo ra bất ngờ, và họ sẽ không dễ dàng bỏ cuộc trước MU. Trận đấu này dự kiến sẽ diễn ra với nhiều kịch tính và hấp dẫn giữa hai phong cách bóng đá khác nhau. Xét về phong độ gần đây và lịch sử đối đầu giữa MU và Fulham, thì MU được xem là có khả năng cao để giành chiến thắng với lợi thế sân nhà. Tuy nhiên, Fulham cũng là một đối thủ đáng gờm và có thể gây bất ngờ. Cuộc đọ sức giữa MU và Fulham hứa hẹn sẽ rất thu hút, không chỉ bởi sự xuất hiện của các tân binh mà còn vì sự cạnh tranh khốc liệt trên sân cỏ. Với lợi thế tại Old Trafford, MU được kỳ vọng sẽ giành chiến thắng, nhưng Fulham cũng sẽ không dễ dàng từ bỏ hy vọng tạo nên cú sốc. Dự kiến, bầu không khí tại Old Trafford sẽ rất náo nhiệt, và người hâm mộ chắc chắn sẽ không phải thất vọng với những gì diễn ra trong trận đấu này.

Phong độ gần đây và lịch sử đối đầu của MU vs Fulham. Từ : Google

Tỷ lệ kèo MU vs Fulham : 0 : 1.25 Tỷ lệ O/U: 2.5 Thể thao Vstar79 nhận định : Nằm MU, Tài Thể thao Vstar79 dự đoán tỷ số : 3 – 1 Đội hình dự kiến MU vs Fulham : – MU (4-2-3-1): Onana, Mazraoui, Martinez, De Ligt, Dalot, Casemiro, Mainoo, Rashford, B.Fernandes, Garnacho, Zirkzee. – Fulham (4-2-3-1): Leno, Robinson, Bassey, Ream, Tete, Reed, Cairney, Traore, Iwobi, Wilson, Jimenez.


from mangalammet

What is Perforated Sheets & Advantages?

Flat sheets of material, like metal, plastic, or wood, that have holes or patterns punched in them are called perforated sheets. The size, shape, and pattern of these holes might change based on the intended use and aesthetic standards. Because of their adaptability and practical qualities, perforated sheets are frequently utilized in commercial, industrial, and architectural applications.

Common Materials

  • Metal: Stainless steel, aluminum, carbon steel, and copper are commonly used for their strength and durability.
  • Plastic: PVC, polypropylene, and polycarbonate offer lightweight and corrosion-resistant options.
  • Wood: Used in decorative applications for aesthetics and acoustic control.

Advantages of Perforated Sheets

  1. Versatility: Available in various materials, patterns, and thicknesses, perforated sheets can be tailored to meet specific functional and aesthetic requirements.

  2. Aesthetic Appeal: The ability to create custom patterns makes them ideal for architectural and decorative purposes, adding visual interest and texture to designs.

  3. Lightweight: Perforated sheets are often lighter than solid sheets of the same material, making them easier to handle and install.

  4. Ventilation: The holes in perforated sheets allow for air circulation, making them suitable for applications requiring ventilation, such as HVAC systems, facades, and sunshades.

  5. Sound Control: Perforated sheets can be used for acoustic applications, helping to reduce noise levels by allowing sound absorption and dispersion.

  6. Strength and Durability: When made from metal, perforated sheets retain the material's strength while reducing weight, making them suitable for structural and protective applications.

  7. Filtration: Used in industrial applications for filtering liquids and solids due to the ability to control hole size and pattern.

  8. Environmental Benefits: By allowing light and air through, perforated sheets can contribute to energy efficiency, reducing the need for artificial lighting and air conditioning.

  9. Cost-Effective: They can offer material savings and reduce shipping and handling costs due to their lighter weight.

  10. Safety: Often used as safety guards and protective barriers to prevent access while maintaining visibility.

In many sectors, Perforated Sheets are a flexible and useful option that offer both practical and visual advantages. Their strength, less weight, and improved aesthetic appeal make them a popular option in manufacturing, building, and design.


from vintexsteel

What is Tube Plugs & Advantages?

Tube plugs are tools used in boilers, condensers, heat exchangers, and other applications to seal the ends of tubes. Their purpose is to create a tight seal that stops fluids or gasses from escaping. Rubber, plastic, and metal can all be used to make tube plugs; the type of material chosen depends on the application and the environment in which the plug will be used.

Types of Tube Plugs

  1. Metal Tube Plugs: Made from materials like stainless steel, brass, or aluminum, they are used in high-pressure or high-temperature environments.

  2. Rubber Tube Plugs: Often used in low-pressure applications or where flexibility is needed.

  3. Plastic Tube Plugs: Typically used in less demanding environments where resistance to corrosion and chemicals is essential.

  4. Tapered Tube Plugs: Designed to fit into tubes of varying sizes by being driven into the tube for a snug fit.

  5. Threaded Tube Plugs: Screwed into place for a secure seal.

Advantages of Tube Plugs

  1. Leak Prevention: They effectively prevent leaks, maintaining system integrity and performance.

  2. Versatility: Available in various sizes, materials, and designs to suit different applications and requirements.

  3. Easy Installation: Many tube plugs are designed for easy installation, often requiring minimal tools and effort.

  4. Cost-Effective: Preventing leaks and maintaining system efficiency reduces maintenance costs and downtime.

  5. Durability: Made from robust materials that can withstand harsh environmental conditions and chemical exposure.

  6. Safety: By sealing tubes, they help prevent the escape of hazardous materials, enhancing workplace safety.

  7. Reusability: Some tube plugs can be removed and reused, offering flexibility in maintenance and repairs.

Tube plugs play a crucial role in maintaining the efficiency and safety of various systems by ensuring that tubes remain sealed and free from leaks.

For More Information :


from Vstars79co

Soi kèo Cá cược Real vs Atalanta, 02h00 ngày 15/08, Siêu Cúp châu u Soi kèo Cá cược trận Real vs Atalanta, trong khuôn khổ đầu giải tranh Siêu Cúp châu u sẽ được diễn ra vào lúc 02h00 ngày 15/08. Nhà cái Vegas79 Empire – Vstars79 soi kèo cá cược, nhận định thông tin lực lượng, Đội hình dự kiến, dự đoán tỷ số Real vs Atalanta hôm nay chính xác nhất. Soi tại : Soi kèo cá cước Real vs Atalanta Theo các số liệu thống kê, trong những trận đối đầu trước đây, Real Madrid đã thắng Atalanta với tỷ số 3-1. Hơn nữa, 8/11 trận đấu gần nhất của Real Madrid đều có ít nhất 3 bàn thắng. Trong khi đó, Atalanta cũng không kém cạnh với 7 trận đấu gần nhất của họ đều ghi từ 3 bàn trở lên. Do đó, người hâm mộ có quyền hy vọng vào một trận đấu hấp dẫn với nhiều bàn thắng. Nhiều chuyên gia dự đoán rằng Real Madrid sẽ là đội chiếm ưu thế trong trận đấu này. Với đội hình mạnh mẽ và phong độ cao của những ngôi sao, Real Madrid có khả năng ghi bàn ngay từ những phút đầu tiên. Dự kiến, họ sẽ sử dụng lối chơi tấn công nhằm đàn áp đối thủ ngay từ đầu, từ đó tạo ra áp lực lớn lên hàng thủ Atalanta. Trận đấu giữa Real Madrid và Atalanta không chỉ là một trận tranh siêu cúp châu u mà còn phản ánh phong độ và sức mạnh của cả hai đội trong giai đoạn đầu mùa giải. Tỷ lệ kèo Real vs Atalanta : 0. 75 : 0 Tỷ lệ O/U: 2.5 Thể thao Vstar79 nhận định : Nằm Real, Tài Thể thao Vstar79 dự đoán tỷ số : 3 – 1 Đội hình dự kiến Real vs Atalanta : – Real (4-3-3 ) : Carvajal, Militão, Rüdiger, Mendy; Camavinga, Modrić, Valverde, Bellingham; Rodrygo, Vinícius, Mbappe. – Atalanta ( 3-4-2-1 ) : Musso; Tolói, Djimsiti, Hien; Zappacosta, Éderson, De Roon, Ruggeri; De Ketelaere, Retegui, Lookman.