Ventoy Concerns
I noticed a post on Mastodon, suggesting that due to a number of component blobs that don't have associated source code available, there could be concerns regarding Ventoy
I am just sharing this as concerns were raised, I still feel Ventoy is safe to use. As with anything, due diligence needs to be used when installing any software or OS. If you are concerned, then make the USB media, with the chosen OS and install that way.
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Privacy tools list
A discussion on Mastodon on Sunday, resulted in being directed to this excellent list of privacy tools, There is a lot to go through here so if you are looking for alternatives to proprietary solutions this is very worth checking out.
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top and htop process viewing and management

When using a GNU Linux system it is really useful to be able to manage what running process are doing, this could be simply seeing what system resources are being used, or stopping processes from running, to changing how they run with tools such as nice / renice.
The console / terminal top, gives you a view of all the running processes and allows you to control these processes easily.

If you would like a slightly different tool that allows you to move up / down the process list, you may want to loop at htop. This seems to offer the same functionality as top. Top is probably better for running so you can keep an eye on what things are doing.

These tools offer the sort of functionality that is achieved by commands such as :
- ps
- nice
- renice
- kill
- killall
But you need to look these up and read up about them on on the man page(s).

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RescaTux 0.73
The latest release of the RescaTux rescue distribution / tools was on 2020-04-02.
More information can be found on the RescaTux Website. Please consider using BitTorrent to download. This takes pressure of the http server.

#rescue, #rescatux, #grub2, #windows, #recovery, #tools
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