Paul Sutton


Code Club 17/9/2022

The next Paignton Library code club is on 17th September. There will be the usual mix of coding, troubleshooting and discussions. I

We now have some of the Vodafone resources so will be sharing them if anyone is interested.

We still have a few printed resources, which will be binned if no one wants them. Simple fact is, we are running out of space.



#CodeClub,#Information,#RaspberryPi,#Troubleshooting, #esafety,#misinformation,#SenseAboutScience,#Vodafone, #DigitalParenting,#StudySkills

Next session

  • Next Week is the STEM Group meeting 10/9/2022
  • Next Code Club is Saturday 17th September 2022.

Please contact Paignton Library for details and booking.

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Code Club 3/9/2022

The next Paignton Library code club is on 3rd September. There will be the usual mix of coding, troubleshooting and discussions. I should have some e-safety resources too.



#CodeClub,#Information,#RaspberryPi,#Troubleshooting, #esafety,#misinformation,#SenseAboutScience,#Vodafone, #DigitalParenting

Next session

  • Next Week is the STEM Group meeting 10/9/2022
  • Next Code Club is Saturday 17th September 2022.

Please contact Paignton Library for details and booking.

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Code Club 20/8/2022 Write up

So we had another quiet session today, with 4 young people, plus a parent, nevertheless it was productive. Time was initially split between looking for an iphone cable (could not find one), and also troubleshooting a Raspberry Pi, which seemed more successful.

There was also a discussion on e-safety, in terms of posting online and how this can have consequences later on, employers can do searches on applicants for example and also what to post, also a brief discussion on asking for evidence and finding proper, credible information on the internet, I did give peer review a brief mentiobn

It seems really beneficial to have conversations.

This has prompted me to dig out a few resources I have here at home. These are set to one side for the next session. I have also asked the library if they can send off for some copies of the Vodafone digital parenting resource.

We also have access to a tablet with the Lego WeDo software installed so if anyone is interested they can have a go at code club without having to bring along own devices. However attendees can, it really helps as you can store projects on your own device.



#CodeClub,#Information,#RaspberryPi,#Troubleshooting, #esafety,#misinformation,#SenseAboutScience,#Vodafone, #DigitalParenting

Next session

  • Next Code Club is Saturday 3th September 2022.

Please contact Paignton Library for details and booking.

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Covid 19 Origins

One of the early theories about Covid 19, was that it originated in a Wuhan market, where humans and animals were in close contact.

Recent research seems to have confirmed this. There are several mainstream media (newspaper) articles on this. I decided to try and find a more useful source. so this article on Web MD seems a good initial source.

I think the above articles are also peer reviewed, so they are a more credible source, plus it is far better to read the original articles / papers than news paper reports which end up inaccurate, if the Journalist is not a specialist or just in some case lazy and sloppy.

The sense about science website has some good information and advise with regard to asking for evidence for research purposes. Along with this is an excellent introduction to the peer review process, so well worth reading.

It is good, that we are finally seeing the results of actual research in to this, and while it probably won't put conspiracy theories to bed, it may influence policies etc that are hopefully based on researched based evidence.


#Covid19,#Origin,#Science,#PeerReview,#Papers,#Report,#Biology,#Virus, #Science,#SenseAboutScience

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Sense about Science

The internet is a fantastic source of information, sadly not all of this is accurate, or even true. A good way to ensure you can trust informationis to ask for evidence. Sense about science, have a video on this. This goes along side their campaign.





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