Paul Sutton


More Trinket Coding

Trinket is a web based development platform. One of it's features is the programming language blocks, which is in fact a block based front end and creates Python programs.

I am sharing these on my blog today, even though I also shared earlier in the week on LinkedIn and also on Twitteras part of the Paignton Library Virtual Code Club.

Drawing a circle


And the associated output


Drawing a star


And the associated output


I am working on a book to update my previous Nested loops guide I wrote a few years ago. This needed updating anyway so it would cover Scratch 3.0. This book / guide is work in progress, and will be typeset in $\LaTeX$ using Overleaf

#programming, #trinket, #Blocks, #python, #WebIDE, #LaTeX, #Overleaf, #nestedloops, #loops, #codeclub

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