Paul Sutton


Electronic Monitoring and Surveillance in the Workplace

Interesting article on Electronic Monitoring and Surveillance in the Workplace published on the JRC Publications Repository

This was posted to Mastodon, with the original post here so feel free to get involved in the conversation.



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International coalition calls for action against surveillance-based advertising

Interesting article, this fightback has now started, there is hopefully no going back and we will see an end to all this tracking, advertising and other unwanted nonsense.

**Groups in Europe and U.S. ask for action to end practices that threaten citizens’ rights. **

` Every day, consumers are exposed to extensive commercial surveillance online. This leads to manipulation, fraud, discrimination and privacy violations. Information about what we like, our purchases, mental and physical health, sexual orientation, location and political views are collected, combined and used under the guise of targeting advertising. You can read the full article at [1]. I have also included a link to a Discourse thread as well as a link to the Data Detox kit.


1 Article 2. Discourse Discussion 3. Data Detox Kit


#YearOfTheFediverse,,Report,#Threats,#Consumers,#Surveillance, #advertising,#Privacy,#Adverts,#Profit,#Digital,#Rights

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Bio metric mass surveillance

More mass surveillance appears to be on the cards, so we need to sign a petition against this, however if you are in the UK, which has left the EU, then the UK isn't listed so I have added a link so you can find you local MP and write to them about this.

We need to make sure a similar law does not end up on our statute books.

We aren‘t walking barcodes! Sign the brand new European Citizens‘ Initiative for banning biometric mass surveillance now!




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