Paul Sutton


Climate Change

Report in nature, that Top climate scientists are sceptical that nations will rein in global warming. I think these warnings are really plausible, as we have seen much higher than average temperatures this winter, well above this 1.5 degree rise we are meant to be avoiding.

The fact so many scientists don't think we are going to even meet these targets is also worrying.

This was posted to the Fediverse I commented to make the point about higher than normal temperatures.

We are really in trouble and need to wake up.



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NASA Solar storm warning

This is pretty scary stuff, solar storms are known to be a high risk to technology on Earth. Looks like if anything happens we won't get much of a warning, We'd Have a 30-Minute Warning Before a Killer Solar Storm Hits Earth

Something to consider.




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Creative Education: Spot the Warning Signs of Poor Mental Health

Spot the Warning Signs of Poor Mental Health

Mental Health Warning signs

Completed another Creative Education course today. This is an excellent course, mostly a summary of some of the key points / advice covered in previous courses. So what to look out for to spot signs a child may be having issues with mental heath, changes in their behaviour, physical appearance, interests and hobbies or perhaps their academic performance is going higher, due to them trying very hard not to fail, (so opposite extreme to their academic performance falling) trying to please self and others too much.

So some really good advice here.

I just wish I could WORK somewhere and make use of this.



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