0AD Screenshots
So following on from the recent mini games conference talk on 0ad. The video for the talk is below

I am including below a few screenshots from the game.
Opening Screen
Main Building, to build units
Roman warship
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Mini Deb Conferences
Updated and reposted 25/11/2020
MiniDebConf : 21+22 Nov 2020
Schedule : Schedule
* Recordings from sessions are now on the website – links in schedule
* Peer tube link for recordings
IRC : minidebconf-online on oftc please see “HOW TO JOIN VIA IRC” below.
Welcome to MiniDebConf Online #2 "Gaming Edition", four days of Debianites working together to learn, have fun and improve Debian.
Recently, Debian (and Linux in general) has been emerging as a great platform for gaming. Not only for playing games, but for creating games too.
More information can be found here
- Please review the website and Code of Conduct information.
- Goto https://www.oftc.net/
- Top right hand corner
- Press Chat

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