Paul Sutton


Biotech & Meditech Jobs

If you've been looking for jobs in the Biotech or Medtech industries, do you ever notice they often use terms in their job descriptions that don't feel very intuitive to you? For example – if you have experience with protein purification, chromatography techniques and filtration then you most likely qualify for roles that use the term “Downstream Process Development”!

If you're used to describing yourself in academic terms, come learn the language you need to describe yourself in industry.

Sign up and join us on February 28th at 5pm ET below.

biotech and meditec jobs webinar

#Scismic #biotechnology #jobseeker #careerdevelopment #lifescience

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Scismic Webinars

Further to a recent post on the current run of Scismic webinars. I have found their youtube channel with all the previous webinars on.

Well worth viewing. There is also the Create a winning CV webinar on the [Overleaf](] website that was presented by Scismic a while back.



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Work/Life Balance in Biotech – Webinar

August 17th 2021

work life balance


I attended this on the 17 August, as with previous events, this wss really interesting. Looking at some useful hints on how to strike a good balance and ensuing people look after themselves and others at work. A useful discussion on strategies people can use. I posted a link to the perfectionism video which may be helpful.

Worker mental health is essential and key to being more productive. So another thank you to the Scismic team

Looking forward to the next event.


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