Paul Sutton


CrypdPad 5 of 5 : Contents

I am posting this index to help people find the four posts from earlier today.

Quick index to Cryptpad post topics from today:-

It is free to sign up, easy to use, and respects privacy.

I can make more Cryptpad posts in due course. Feel free to follow me on Mastodon with the id">

#cryptpad,#kanban,#sheet,#writer,#code,#presenting, #drive,#cloud,#storage,#files,#team,#privacy, #encryption

MastodonPeertubeQoto sign up

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CryptPad 2

Further to my previous post. Signing up to CryptPad is a very quick, painless and simple process.

The signup page, asks for minimal information


After which you agree to some Terms Of Service


And that is it, take careful note of the fact if you lose your login info, you lose access to everything.

#cryptpad, #signup, #tos, #accounts, #encryption, data

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Licenced under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

MastodonPeertubeQoto sign up

Donate using Liberapay