Paul Sutton


Wise advice to employers

This was posted to LinkedIn by Brigette Hyacinth

Brigette makes a very interesting and important point with this.

ME: Candidate accepted another offer.
CLIENT: I thought she really liked our company.
ME: Yes, she did
CLIENT: I don’t understand why she would throw away a great future here.
ME: She is very talented. She will have a great future wherever she chooses.
CLIENT: But we’re #1 in our space!

Companies need to realize interviews are two-way streets. You are not only choosing the candidate, the candidate is choosing you as well. While you are taking 3+ months to hire someone (looking for perfection) putting candidates through multiple interviews and tests - another company recognized her worth and made her an offer far above the market range. If you want the best talent improve your hiring processes. Candidates have negotiating power too. 


Personal experience seems to point to employers delaying getting back and delaying moving what should be a fairly simple process forward. This leaves people not knowing what is going on, sometimes for weeks at a time.

Employees who are keen to make a start will say so, we appreciate that there are processes. This is about the endless waiting and waiting for people to get back and keep us updated.


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Ghost Reply

I was recently given a link, again via Mastodon to Ghostreply which allows job agency candidates to send a message to recruiters, who, think it is acceptable to sign people up to their recruitment service, then totally ignore them (Ghosting), this is seen by candidates as very unprofessional. As a victim of this myself, I am very supportive of tools such as this.

It is most annoying when you go to an interview, then go through the usual DBS checks and even under go Child Protection training to then be ignored, only to discover later the person who you thought was your contact has left, she didn't have the professional courtesy to let me know. Even more irritating when the person who was also interviewing does not let people know either.


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