Upgrading mint 21.3 to 22
Following the recent release of Linuxmint 22 [1] Users can now upgrade directly from the previous 21.3 release to Linuxmint using these instructions [2]. The usual warnings with regard to backups apply. Thank you to the support channel [3] on matrix for these instructions.
1 Linuxmint
2 Upgrade
3 Mint support channel on Matrix
4 Matrix
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Debian point release upgrade
Following the recent upgrade to the Debian Operating system, 11.4 to 11.5 I decided to make a video / screen cast of the upgrade process..
This was partly as I wanted to make something to contribute to the Debian Academy and it made sense to make this.
The video is quite long about ½. I am hoping the team can take the source file and edit so it is shorter.
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Framework Laptop.
Another great find on Mastodon / Fediverse. A laptop that is sustainable and upgradable.
Looks like another good project and great that we are seeing more products like this.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
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