Paul Sutton


First stars

We are making discoveries so fast, it is hard to keep up. We are learning more and more about the origin of the universe each time. These first stars are probably long gone, but the light the produced is still moving.

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Open University Space Science Newsletter

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As I have studied with the Open University [1]. I am now part of the Alumni Association. At the end of 2020 I joined the new OU Students Space Science Club. Soon after this there was a call for ideas for a Newsletter.

I decided to offer to help put something together, so have been undertaking this.

Issue one, has been completed and sent out. I am now working on issue 2.

I am writing this in $\LaTeX$ [2] using Overleaf[3], which is much easier for creating documents, then word processing systems.

The newsletter is a mix of news about space and space science, links to related websites.


1 Open Unversity 2 LaTeX Project 3 Overleaf



Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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