Paul Sutton


STEAM Cafe 3

The discovery centre in Paignton is now open, located at the back of the café, it has a range of interactive displays and activities centred around STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics)

STEAM Activities 1

STEAM Activities 2

Engineering wall, this is a great activity you can attach different components to the wall and experiment with what happens when you turn one component and how ths interacts with other components. What happens when you connect 2 or more cogs of the same size, what happens if they are different sizes etc?

Contact : Facebook Steam Cafe 13 Torbay Road, Paignton



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STEAM Cafe 2

A few more photos from the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) discovery centre in Paignton,

STEAM Activities 1

Lego table

STEAM Activities 2

Craft & Activity table

Contact : Facebook Steam Cafe 13 Torbay Road, Paignton



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STEAM Cafe 1

The discovery centre in Paignton is now open, located at the back of the cafe, it has a range of interactive displays and activities centred around STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics)

STEAM Activities 1

STEAM Activities 2

Contact : Facebook Steam Cafe 13 Torbay Road, Paignton



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Bash scripting 11 – ExifTool menu

I have created a very rough and basic script to :-

  • Display a directory listing (currently this will display only .png and .JPG files.
  • As for a filename
  • Display a menu, so that users can choose which Meta data information to display.
clear # clear display - lets keep things tidy
ls *.png *.JPG #display directory listing png files
echo "Please enter a filename"
read filename
echo "File: " $filename
echo "Menu"
PS3="Select your Option: "

while true; do
    select lng in All ImageSize FileSize PixelSize ClearScreen Quit
        case $lng in
                exiftool $filename; break;;
               exiftool -s -ImageSize $filename; break;;
              exiftool -s -FileSize $filename;break;;
                exiftool -s -Megapixels $filename;break;;
               echo "We're done"; break 2;;
               echo "Ooops"; break ;;

It is a little rough around the edges, but it works, and there is, of course, room for improvement.



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Galculator is a calculator app available in Debian. Debian 10 comes with version 2.1.4.

I seem to have found an odd bug in the software, so am documenting here to see if others can reproduce.

The display should be able to handle numbers bigger than 999. However it seems that is not the case if you use a separator (,) in between big numbers (which is designed to make it easier to read)

Consider 1,000,000 vs 1000000


This shows the software working as expected.

Setting Separator

After setting a comma ( , ) as a Separator and entering a long number, we get a problem with the display.

Display bug

According to the Debian tracker bullseye will have 2.1.4-1.1.

I am not sure if this happens in Debian 11, but I am just reporting this here, I can take a video later on, but that will just illustrate the same as above.

I would guess this can be reported to the Bug Tracking System if it can be reproduced.

My system here is:-

Client: HexChat 2.14.2 • OS: Debian 10.9 • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     E7500  @ 2.93GHz (1.60GHz) • Memory: Physical: 2.8 GiB Total (1.5 GiB Free) Swap: 2.9 GiB Total (2.9 GiB Free) • Storage: 546.4 GB / 647.2 GB (100.9 GB Free) • VGA: Intel Corporation 82Q35 Express Integrated Graphics Controller @ Intel Corporation 82Q35 Express DRAM Controller • Uptime: 5h 56m 1s

Running LXDE Desktop


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Liberoffice 7 Impress – Text formatting tool bar

By default libreoffice 7 impress does not display tools for text formatting on the toolbar.

Text Formatting Tools

To fix this, you need to

Click View —> Tool bars —> Text Formatting

And the tool will be displayed

View tool bars menu

Video below illustrates process

#libreoffice7,#impress,#display,#text,#formatting,toolbar, #help,#support.

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Add more functions

I have added a few more maths functions to the application and also provided a clear function. There are still a few items to add to help improve debugging but the application is starting to take shape.


window = Tk()
window.title('Maths Application')
window.geometry("570x150") # w x h
  1. The above code is being modified as I go. So I am changing the window size depending on what is being displayed.

  2. I have also made the Window title reflect the purpose of the application.

  3. That the source code now has 'result' as a label rather than output. This will show up future screenshots.

addition app

The code for the above is as follows.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import Tkinter # note use of caps
from Tkinter import *

window = Tk()
window.title('Maths Application')
window.geometry("570x150") # w x h

#define button actions
def btn1():
	#convert box text in to integers	
	ent1 = int(entrytext.get())
	ent2 = int(entrytext2.get())
	#add the 2 integers and store in variable add
	add = (ent1 + ent2)
	print (add)
	#insert value of variable add in	to box outtext 
	outtext1.insert(0,str(add)) # insert response

def btn2():
	ent1 = int(entrytext.get())
	ent2 = int(entrytext2.get())
	#subtract the 2 integers and store in variable sub
	sub = (ent1 - ent2)
	#insert value of variable sub in	to box outtext 
	outtext1.insert(0,str(sub)) # insert response	
def btn3():
	ent1 = int(entrytext.get())
	ent2 = int(entrytext2.get())
	#multiply the 2 integers and store in variable mul
	mul = (ent1 * ent2)
	#insert value of variable mul in	to box outtext 
	outtext1.insert(0,str(mul)) # insert response		

def btn4():
	ent1 = int(entrytext.get())
	ent2 = int(entrytext2.get())
	#multiply the 2 integers and store in variable div
	div = (ent1 / ent2)
	#insert value of variable mul in	to box outtext 
	outtext1.insert(0,str(div)) # insert response	
#clear boxes
def clear():
	#print("clear boxes") # leave in for legacy testing
	entrytext.delete(0, END) # clear input box
	entrytext2.delete(0, END) # clear input box2
	outtext1.delete(0, END) # clear output box
btn_tog2 = Button( window, text ='+', command=btn1) # add
btn_tog3 = Button( window, text ='-', command=btn2)  # subtract
btn_tog4 = Button( window, text ='x', command=btn3) #multiply
btn_tog5 = Button( window, text ='/', command=btn4) #divide
btn_tog6 = Button( window, text ='Clear', command=clear) #clear
btn_exit = Button( window, text ='Exit',command=exit)	 #exit

# define some labels
box1 = Label(window, text="1st Value")
box2 = Label(window, text="2nd Value")
box3 = Label(window, text="Result")

#define entry box 
entry1 = StringVar() # this is our entry box
entry2 = StringVar()
entrytext = Entry(window, textvariable=entry1) # this is our entry box
entrytext2 = Entry(window, textvariable=entry2) # this is our second entry box

#define out box 

entry2 = StringVar() # this is our output box
outtext1 = Entry(window, textvariable=entry2) # this is our output box

#display boxes
entrytext.grid(row = 3, column = 2,)  #display entry box
entrytext2.grid(row = 3, column = 3,)  #display entry box
outtext1.grid(row = 3, column = 4,) #display output box

#place labels
box1.grid(row = 1	, column = 2, padx = 5, pady = 5)
box2.grid(row = 1	, column = 3, padx = 5, pady = 5)
box3.grid(row = 1	, column = 4, padx = 5, pady = 5)

btn_tog2.grid(row = 4, column = 2, padx = 1, pady = 1) # addition button
btn_tog3.grid(row = 4, column = 3, padx = 1, pady = 1) # subtraction button
btn_tog4.grid(row = 5, column = 2, padx = 1, pady = 1) # multiply button
btn_tog5.grid(row = 5, column = 3, padx = 1, pady = 1) # divide button
btn_tog6.grid(row = 4, column = 6, padx = 1, pady = 1) # clear button
btn_exit.grid(row = 3, column = 6, padx = 1, pady = 1) # exit button


The code that I used for a previous application to detect if numerical values have been used is below but provided 'as is' for now.

def response():
	msg = "error : must be a text value"

	i = circletext.get()
	y = i.isdigit()
	l = len(circletext.get())
	#print l
	if y == True or l == 0:
		x = random.choice(RESPONSES)
		circletext2.delete(0, END) # clear prev output
		circletext2.insert(0,str(x)) # insert response

I will integrate a version of this in to the main code.

#python, #tkinter, #programming, #python, #graphic, #applications, #bugs, #troubleshooting, #howto, #paignton, #library, #virtual, #codeclub

Happy to provide help and support via decentralised social media. I can be contacted on Mastodon here. You can get a free account on the instance by following this link.

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Addition Application

So following on from the previous posts, I am how sharing a small application, that makes use of what we have been learning.

This presents 2 input boxes and an output box, any values entered in to the first two, the sum is placed in to the last box.

addition app

This is not perfect, but getting there slowly.

We need to:-

  • Fix the name of the button from button1
  • Detect if the user has entered numerical values
  • Detect for empty boxes
  • Make labels more useful
  • Fix spelling in comments
  • Fix clarity of comments

The code for the above is as follows.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import Tkinter # note use of caps
from Tkinter import *

window = Tk()
window.title('App 1')
window.geometry("650x125") # w x h

#define button actions
def btn1():
	#convert box text in to integers	
	ent1 = int(entrytext.get())
	ent2 = int(entrytext2.get())
	#add the 2 integers and store in variable add
	add = (ent1 + ent2)
	print add
	#instert value add in	to box outtext 
	outtext1.insert(0,str(add)) # insert response
btn_tog2 = Button( window, text ='button1', command=btn1)
btn_exit = Button( window, text ='exit',command=exit)	

# define some labels
box1 = Label(window, text="Entry 1: ")
box2 = Label(window, text="Entry 2: ")
box3 = Label(window, text="Ouput1: ")

#define entry box 
entry1 = StringVar() # this is our entry box
entry2 = StringVar()
entrytext = Entry(window, textvariable=entry1) # this is our entry box
entrytext2 = Entry(window, textvariable=entry2) # this is our second entry box

#define out box 

entry2 = StringVar() # this is our output box
outtext1 = Entry(window, textvariable=entry2) # this is our output box

#display boxes
entrytext.grid(row = 3, column = 2,)  #display entry box
entrytext2.grid(row = 3, column = 3,)  #display entry box
outtext1.grid(row = 3, column = 4,) #display output box

#place labels
box1.grid(row = 1	, column = 2, padx = 5, pady = 5)
box2.grid(row = 1	, column = 3, padx = 5, pady = 5)
box3.grid(row = 1	, column = 4, padx = 5, pady = 5)

btn_tog2.grid(row = 3, column = 5, padx = 5, pady = 5)
btn_exit.grid(row = 3, column = 6, padx = 5, pady = 5)


#python, #tkinter, #programming, #python, #graphic, #applications, #bugs, #troubleshooting, #howto, #paignton, #library, #virtual, #codeclub

Happy to provide help and support via decentralised social media. I can be contacted on Mastodon here. You can get a free account on the instance by following this link.

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Tidying up our application

So my last post produced something that did not really look very good. So I have now tidied the code up a little bit to make it look better.

So one of the useful things within this is to adjust the dimensions of our application, so everything fits in to the window area nicely, but not leave too much empty space.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import Tkinter # note use of caps
from Tkinter import *

window = Tk()
window.title('App 1')
window.geometry("600x50") # w x h

#define entry box 

entry1 = StringVar() # this is our entry box
entrytext = Entry(window, textvariable=entry1) # this is our entry box
entrytext2 = Entry(window, textvariable=entry1) # this is our second entry box
#define out box 

entry2 = StringVar() # this is our output box
outtext1 = Entry(window, textvariable=entry2) # this is our output box

#display boxes
entrytext.grid(row = 3, column = 2,)  #display entry box
entrytext2.grid(row = 3, column = 3,)  #display entry box
outtext1.grid(row = 3, column = 4,) #display output box


So here we have a window, with three text boxes.


Which is starting to look a little better. The main bit of advice I can give here, is test, test and test again, that way you know your application is working as you go.


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More tkinter : Add entry and text box

This code adds a box to our application, a box can serve either as a text output box OR a text entry box.

Note I have included the whole program here. I have also defined the size of our application.

While the window is bigger and the boxes are at the top, the idea is that it just displays those boxes. We can tidy things up later.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import Tkinter # note use of caps
from Tkinter import *

window = Tk()
window.title('GUI Tkinter 1')
window.geometry("300x250") # w x h

#define entry box 

circleVar = StringVar()
circletext = Entry(window, textvariable=circleVar)

#define out box 

circleVar2 = StringVar()
circletext2 = Entry(window, textvariable=circleVar2)

circleVar2 = StringVar()
circletext2 = Entry(window, textvariable=circleVar2)

#display boxes
circletext.grid(row = 1, column = 2,)
circletext2.grid(row = 2, column = 2,)


We get:

tk label


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