The Hubble Space Telescope: From Cosmological Conflict to Alien Atmospheres
Write up : 7th March 2021
This is a really interesting talk and overview of what the HST has undertaken since launch in 1990.
Some highlights
- Gravitational lensing, found galaxies magnified 50x and detection of galaxies 10x fainter.
- Precision cosmology & Hubble Constant calculations via several methods
- Exoplanet Atmospheres
- Exoplanets e.g 57 Pegasi
- Exoplanets found from transiting host star
- Planetary Atmospheres plus detection of organic molecules
- Earth size Exoplanets (Trappist 1b and 1c)
The talk also makes reference to academic papers, which can be easily searched for, so for example
With the last point in the list above, this paper was De Wit, et al 2016 Nature 537,69 – if you search for this you find arxiv 1006.01103 which is publication in the above journal 2016Natur 537
The 537 refers to the volume, and 69 is the first page of the article, in this case the article is on pages 69 to 72.
So using the references from the talk you can do further reading.
Well worth watching
Space Telescope Science Institute Public lectures The Hubble Space Telescope: From Cosmological Conflict to Alien Atmospheres Tue 2nd March 2021
#space,#telescope,#astronomy,#lecture,#public,#online, #talk,#science
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