Toot mastodon client
I have been experimenting with the toot mastodon client. This does have a curses interface.
toot curses. (q to quit)
However experimenting with this and bash scripting
So to begin with you will probably need to login
toot login_cli
toot post text here
will send that text to Mastodon (toy
fortune > fortuneout
# echo to screen
cat fortuneout
# post content of fortuneout to console
toot post < fortuneout
echo "done"
This will run the fortune program, send output to a file then send the output in to toot post.
The next example the script asks for some user input and then sends it to toot post
echo "Please Enter some Text"
read usertext
# post user input to mastodon
echo $usertext
toot post '$usertext'
echo "done"
The potential of the above could allow real time data to be posted to Mastodon for example.
The above scripts are released under GPLv3.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
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