Paul Sutton


FutureLearn course upgrades

I have two of the courses, that I completed with FutureLearn. The printed certificates should be on the way to me. These two courses are :-

  • [Teaching Primary Science : Getting Started]

primary science get started

  • [Teaching Primary Science : Chemistry]

primary science chem

Also identified lots of other courses,which demonstrate a commitment to keeping knowledge up to date. These will also be very useful while working as a TA within education settings.




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Ensuring a Smooth Transition in the Year of Covid

Matt Bromley starts this course by summarising the key principles for a smooth transition from primary school to secondary school in usual times, before going on to explore how we can adapt the process to enable students to transition well during the context of Covid. 

Support Transition



#CreativeEducation,#Support,#Children,#Transition, #Primary,#Secondary,#Academic,#Pastoral

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